commercelayer / mfe-checkout

Commerce Layer Hosted Checkout
MIT License
41 stars 46 forks source link

Add settings to allow further customization #253

Open malessani opened 2 years ago

malessani commented 2 years ago


This Feature will allow to set or override settings received from order and organization endpoint to allow an improved level of customization. Configuration can also be linked to a market.

Each item needs to be assessed in terms of benefits/feasibility.

clgiovannelli commented 7 months ago

Something like this @malessani @mscardellato ?

  "checkout": {
    "support": {
      "email": true,
      "phone": true
    "branding": {
      "logo": "path/to/logo.png",
      "favicon": "path/to/favicon.ico",
      "primaryColor": "#hexcolor"
    "tracking": {
      "gtmId": "GTM-XXXXXX"
    "legal": {
      "privacyUrl": "",
      "termsUrl": ""
    "orderSettings": {
      "overrideLanguage": "language_code",
      "billingCountries": [
      "shippingCountries": [
      "defaultCountry": "US",
      "guestCheckoutForSubscription": {
        "enabled": true,
        "alertCustomer": true
      "savePaymentSourceForSubscription": true
    "translation": {
      "overrideLabelTranslations": {
        "filesPath": "path/to/translation/files"
    "payment": {
      "enableCustomPaymentRules": true,
      "enabledMethods": [
      "disabledMethods": [
    "userInterface": {
      "enableLogin": true,
      "layout": {
        "switchColumns": true
      "thankYouPage": {
        "customText": "Your custom message here.",
        "redirectUrl": ""