commercetest / vitals-scraper

Collect data to assist in analysing Google Play Console Android Vitals
MIT License
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Allow users to specify the exceptions to retrieve #20

Open julianharty opened 5 years ago

julianharty commented 5 years ago

We sometimes want to focus on a subset of the exceptions e.g.

Example of the JNI crash cluster

in org.kiwix.kiwixlib.JNIKiwix.<clinit>

Example of specific Exception where we might want to retrieve crashes for contentQuery

in org.kiwix.kiwixmobile.utils.files.FileUtils.contentQuery

The methods may be obfuscated or in full (see screenshots below)

Screen Shot 2019-09-19 at 11 18 42 Screen Shot 2019-09-19 at 11 17 10
ISNIT0 commented 5 years ago

I would implement this by adding a --exceptionFilter= and --classFilter. The values of which would be passed into downloader.getCrashClusterIds from index.ts