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Sanitize user input to prevent SQL injections #1889

Open alexey2baranov opened 6 months ago

alexey2baranov commented 6 months ago


It would be great if we have a sanitize() function fo user input tool to prevent SQL injection. Consider this code

  "anonymousId": some_user_input,
  "email": ""

if user sends SQL injection some_user_input= "0\" or something=1 or anonymousId=\"0", then the result will be

  "anonymousId": "0\" or something=1 or anonymousId=\"0",
  "email": ""

and the error output will contain secure information about all available fields.

Expected Behavior

empty result as there is no such anonymous id "0\" or something=1 or anonymousId=\"0"

Current Behavior

and the output will contain secure information about all available fields.


This is classical SQL injection which possibly appears in every user controller where controller expects user input

Possible Solution

Provide sanitize() function which prevent SQL injections