commercialhaskell / rio

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Crash when using log func with no attached console on windows #207

Closed jeiea closed 4 years ago

jeiea commented 4 years ago

Following snippets are not accurate, just for description.

# package.yaml ...
  - -optl-Wl,--subsystem,windows
-- Main.hs
main = do
  logOptions <- logOptionsHandle stderr False
  withLogFunc logOptions $ \lf -> do
      let app = App { logFunc = lf }
      runRIO app eventLoop


If there was console window, no error appeared. How about disable log in this situation? It's consistent with Prelude behavior.

snoyberg commented 4 years ago

It seems to me like the current behavior is preferable. I'd rather an error occur than logs silently going missing. In a situation like this, you can set mempty as the log function to explicitly turn it into a noop.