commercialhaskell / stack

The Haskell Tool Stack
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'No op' `stack build` is slower for Stack 2.13.1 than Stack 2.7.5 #6553

Open mpilgrem opened 2 months ago

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago


For a mult-package project (80+ packages) Stack 2.7.5 reportedly takes ~ 2 s for a 'no op' stack build while Stack 2.13.1 (and, now, post #6552 Stack) reportedly takes ~ 7 s to 8 s.

Can the Stack 2.7.5 level of performance be regained?

However, worth recognising that Stack 2.7.5 had a dependency on Cabal- (LTS 17.15) and modern Stack, currently, has a dependency on Cabal- (LTS 22.7). It is not inconceivable that something may have happened upstream.

EDIT: I am wondering if the effect is real, as I can not reproduce it in my experiments at or (EDIT2)

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

Experimenting (on Windows 11) with a simple multi-package project noOPTest, created with:

mkdir noOpTest
cd noOpTest
1..80 | % { stack new package$_ --no-init}
stack init

Testing with:

stack purge
stack build
Measure-Command {stack build | Out-Default} # 'no op' stack build, applied repeatedly

After the first 'no op' stack build performance is similar. If anything, the current version of Stack is slightly faster. For both Stack versions, the first 'no op' stack build is slower - presumably something is being cached? - and Stack 2.7.5 is somewhat faster.

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

With Stack 2.7.5, for a number of packages (but not all) getPackageFiles is much faster on the second 'no op' run than on the first. That aside, the --verbose logs are very similar.

The same is true for the current version of Stack.

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

Controlling for Hpack, I deleted package.yaml for each of the packages:

So, it looks like it is Hpack's involvement that is slowing down the first 'no op' run of the current version of Stack. Stack 2.7.5 comes with Hpack 0.34.4. The current version of Stack comes with Hpack 0.36.0. (Stack 2.9.1 comes with Hpack 0.35.0.)

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

Controlling for Hpack (no package.yaml) and GHC (lts-19.33, GHC 9.0.2):

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

Controlling for Hpack (--with-hpack hpack, Hpack 0.36.0) and GHC (lts-19.33, GHC 9.0.2):

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

Not controlling for Hpack, controlling for GHC (as above) but using Cabal files initialised with the native version of Hpack in each case (ie Hpack 0.34.4 for Stack 2.7.5; Hpack 0.36.0 for the current version of Stack):

It appears to me that the comparison was likely an effect of some conflict between automatically-generated Cabal files and the built-in version of Hpack.

wraithm commented 2 months ago

Btw, I'm pretty sure that the slowness in master is again in the build plan step. Mostly, I think it's traversing the full dependency graph unnecessarily, just a hunch. Maybe 2.7.5 wasn't doing what it needed to be doing, but the debug log on 2.13.1 (and latest master) looks like it's spending time in the build plan, where the 2.7.5 looks really fast. It just slams through the build plan faster than master does now. Though, again, maybe 2.7.5 wasn't doing what it needed to do or there's slowness upstream in Cabal, as you suggested. However, the build plan might be a good place to narrow in on.

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

@wraithm, the problem I have - at - is I can't reproduce the issue on Windows 11 with a 80-package project: like-for-like, the current version of Stack is faster than Stack 2.7.5.

wraithm commented 2 months ago

@wraithm, the problem I have - at - is I can't reproduce the issue on Windows 11 with a 80-package project: like-for-like, the current version of Stack is faster than Stack 2.7.5.

Do those packages have external and internal (within the project, between those packages) dependencies?

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

@wraithm, I take your point. I'll see if I can create an example multi-package project where package n depends on package n-1 for n > 1.

cdornan commented 2 months ago

Can I just say this is astonishing work — so much appreciate it! Performance of the tools is so important and it really marvelous to see this kind of care being taken. (Indeed, there seems to be much work across the Haskell tool chain recently.)

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

So, I created to create an executable (mkMultiPkgTest) that creates multi-package projects where package<n> depends directly on all of packages package<1> to package<n-1> (for n > 1). Each package is simple: it has a main library with (eg package3):

module Lib3
  ( someFunc3
  ) where

import Lib1
import Lib2

someFunc3 :: IO ()
someFunc3 = do
  putStrLn "someFunc3"

I also exited things on my Windows 11 system that might otherwise distract the CPUs. (EDIT: I had not taken that step before - although I think my system was broadly stable between different runs previously.)

I created two projects: noOpTestOld (with and for Stack 2.7.5) and opNoTestNew (with and for the master branch of Stack) - both with 80 packages. As before, I controlled for GHC with GHC 9.0.2. The results were:

So, even with these more complex projects, I can't recreate Stack 2.7.5 being faster than the most current version of Stack.

mpilgrem commented 2 months ago

@cdornan, the credit goes to @wraithm, who noticed the original regression, reported it, and tracked down the commit at

wraithm commented 2 months ago

So, I created to create an executable (mkMultiPkgTest) that creates multi-package projects where package<n> depends directly on all of packages package<1> to package<n-1> (for n > 1). Each package is simple: it has a main library with (eg package3):

module Lib3
  ( someFunc3
  ) where

import Lib1
import Lib2

someFunc3 :: IO ()
someFunc3 = do
  putStrLn "someFunc3"

I also exited things on my Windows 11 system that might otherwise distract the CPUs. (EDIT: I had not taken that step before - although I think my system was broadly stable between different runs previously.)

I created two projects: noOpTestOld (with and for Stack 2.7.5) and opNoTestNew (with and for the master branch of Stack) - both with 80 packages. As before, I controlled for GHC with GHC 9.0.2. The results were:

  • new: 1.3, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2
  • old: 1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1.4

So, even with these more complex projects, I can't recreate Stack 2.7.5 being faster than the most current version of Stack.

Very interesting! Thank you for your research. I'll do some digging and see if I can analyze what's slowing down stack on the newer versions.

The next thing I'd look at is having lots of external deps.

wraithm commented 2 months ago

@cdornan, the credit goes to @wraithm, who noticed the original regression, reported it, and tracked down the commit at #6551 (comment).

Thank you for fixing it and your hard work maintaining stack! ❤️

dten commented 2 months ago

I previously did some work to improve the speed after it became much slower when GHC started listening more dependent files.

In my case i had to have template haskell in the project for it to be an significant issue