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github-rest 1.1.4 #7453

Closed alexeyzab closed 2 months ago

alexeyzab commented 3 months ago
      Test suite failure for package github-rest-1.1.4
           github-rest-test:  exited with: ExitFailure 1
       Full log available at /home/curators/work/unpack-dir/.stack-work/logs/github-rest-1.1.4-test.log

             GitHub.REST (Helpers)
               o .: key:                            OK
                 +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
               endpointPath with no substitutions:  OK (0.02s)
                 +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
               endpointPath with substitutions:     OK (0.04s)
                 +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
                 success single:                    OK
                 success multiple:                  OK
                 error single:                      OK
                 success with error in second page: OK
                 success single:                    OK
                 success multiple:                  OK
                 error single:                      OK
                 success with error in second page: OK
                 success single:                    OK
                 success multiple:                  OK
                error single:                      OK
                 error in second page:              OK
                 success single:                    OK
                 success multiple:                  OK
                 error single:                      OK
                 success with error in second page: OK
               parsePageLinks:                      OK
                 +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
             GitHub.REST (End-to-End)
               Query Gist #1:                       OK (1.34s)
               Query non-existent Gist commit:      FAIL (0.17s)
                 Test output was different from 'test/goldens/gists-gist_id-sha-422.golden'. It was:
                 Object (fromList [("documentation_url",String "
"),("message",String "No commit found for SHA: d00770679ba293a327156b9e7031c47c6d269157"),("status",String "422")])
                 Use -p '/Query non-existent Gist commit/' to rerun this test only.
               Query non-existent Gist:             FAIL (0.14s)
                 Test output was different from 'test/goldens/gists-gist_id-sha-404.golden'. It was:
                 Object (fromList [("documentation_url",String "
"),("message",String "Not Found"),("status",String "404")])
                 Use -p '$0=="github-rest.GitHub.REST (End-to-End).Query non-existent Gist"' to rerun this test only.

           2 out of 23 tests failed (1.72s)

curator: Received ExitFailure 1 when running
Raw command: /usr/bin/stack --terminal build --test --test-suite-timeout=600 --no-rerun-tests --bench --no-run-benchmarks --
haddock --no-interleaved-output --ghc-options -w --jobs=16           

cc @brandonchinn178

brandonchinn178 commented 3 months ago

That's an old test... I released 1.2.1 to fix it