commfish / seak_sablefish

NSEI sablefish stock assessment
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2019 stock assessment developments #19

Open jysullivan opened 5 years ago

jysullivan commented 5 years ago



Sensitivity analysis

These are fixed in the model (maturity is estimated using NSEI data, but selectivity is borrowed (having a really hard time fitting age comps - I think because of the discarding issue).

Text and figures

jysullivan commented 5 years ago




jysullivan commented 5 years ago

Notes for the Dirichlet-multinomial:

Merrill wrote a nice implementation of the Dirichlet-multinomial likelihood in LIME

The reference for this is Eqn 10 in Thorson, James T., et al. "Model-based estimates of effective sample size in stock assessment models using the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution." Fisheries Research 192 (2017): 84-93.

Note that Eqn 10 is the likelihood not the negative log likelihood and the big N is a typo

jysullivan commented 5 years ago

Age compositions

Here are our fishery and survey samples sizes for age compositions. Given the n=500 rule (Thompson 2002), we may have sufficient sample sizes to support sex-structure for the fishery, but not for the survey. Given this information, I think we should keep the compositions combined for now and revisit once I have a chance to talk to other authors at Plan Team.

Source Sex 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LL fishery Female 1267 1029 1544 1247 1076 986 1015 1046 980 919 924 656 777 753 924 830 813
LL fishery Male 1028 768 771 503 605 510 517 514 548 547 600 654 561 452 502 590 503
LL fishery Sex combined 2295 1797 2315 1750 1681 1496 1532 1560 1528 1466 1524 1310 1338 1205 1426 1420 1316
LL survey Female 264 198 156 216 183 304 391 410 512 420 437 340 366 320 365 407 261 289 293 318 351 353
LL survey Male 273 158 184 193 275 362 399 367 369 319 339 273 253 285 311 319 289 276 204 238 260 228
LL survey Sex combined 537 356 340 409 458 666 790 777 881 739 776 613 619 605 676 726 550 565 497 556 611 581
GreatDana commented 5 years ago

Length bin structure (double checked 4/19/19)

How the Feds define it: fishlen$mid<-floor(fishlen$LENGTH/2)*2+1 fishlen[fishlen$mid>99,]$mid<-99 fishlen<-fishlen[fishlen$mid>39,] fishlen<-fishlen[fishlen$mid<100,]

Is equivalent to how we define it: fishle%>%nfilter(!c(length < 40)) %>% mutate(length2 = ifelse(length < 41, 41, ifelse(length > 99, 99, length)), length_bin = cut(length2, breaks = seq(39.9, 99.9, 2), labels = paste(seq(41, 99, 2))))

jysullivan commented 5 years ago

Sex ratio to initial N matrix

Based on conversation with Dana, it is more of a standard practice to use 50/50 sex ratio instead of the sex ratio from the survey to initialize N matrix and estimate recruitment.

Below is a comparison of the two methods looking at the 2018 total population numbers-at-age estimates. Definitely think the latter is more realistic.

Method 1: Initialize with sex ratio from the longline survey image

Method 2: Initialize using 50/50 sex ratio image

jysullivan commented 5 years ago

Notes for tuning age comps:

Description of the process in Muradian et al 2017:


McAllister MK, Ianelli JN (1997) Bayesian stock assessment using catch-age data and the sampling-importance resampling algorithm. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54: 284–300.

Stewart IJ, Hamel OS (2014) Bootstrapping of sample sizes for length- or age-composition data used in stock assessments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 581–588.