commfish / seak_sablefish

NSEI sablefish stock assessment
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hook spacing #3

Closed jysullivan closed 5 years ago

jysullivan commented 7 years ago

Getting conflicting reports about hook spacing on the LL sablefish survey. Looks like it has varied over time and between area, and sometimes within a year and area. I'd like to keep this issue open until resolved.

Aaron Baldwin:

CLARENCE STRAIT: 118” hook spacing from 1988-1996, in 1997 it was 72", in 1998 & 1999 it was 64", them 2000 to present it was 78". (ALEX trip set ups)

CHATHAM: 1997 – 78.7” 1998 – 78.7” 1999 – 78.8” 2000 – blank 2001 – 78.7” 2002 – 78.7” 2003 – 78.7” 2004 – 78” 2005 – 78” 2006 – 78” 2007 – blank 2008 – Present 78” I can find no Chatham longline survey setup info from those years (although I do see that surveys occurred!) I will keep digging.

There's some conflicting information in the 1997 ADFG Regional Information Report 1J97-26 (Cartwright and Carlile). For example, Table 2 suggests that hook spacing ranged from 78-84" in the 1997 Chatham LL survey.