common-fate / granted

The easiest way to access your cloud.
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Support refreshable AWS SSO sessions #615

Closed chrnorm closed 4 months ago

chrnorm commented 4 months ago

Granted currently uses the legacy AWS SSO login flow. This is the current login screen that you see, which indicates the legacy flow:


The legacy login flow returns non-refreshable access tokens with a fixed 8hr expiry.

The new AWS SSO login flow looks like this:


It returns shorter-lived access tokens with a 1hr expiry, and returns refresh tokens allowing the access token to be refreshed. An organization's administrator can configure the session duration up to a maximum of 90 days.

chrnorm commented 4 months ago

Some additional background on this from my testing with the native AWS CLI:

Running aws sso configure gave me the following generated profile config:

[profile AWSAdministratorAccess-123456789012]
sso_session = commonfate
sso_account_id = 123456789012
sso_role_name = AWSAdministratorAccess
region = ap-southeast-2

[sso-session commonfate]
sso_start_url =
sso_region = ap-southeast-2
sso_registration_scopes = sso:account:access

and created the following files:


{"clientId": "Wn1c2S1a1iknojKnWR_HVGFwLXNvdXRoZWFzdC0y", "clientSecret": "<SECRET>", "expiresAt": "2024-05-30T10:43:48Z", "scopes": ["sso:account:access"]}


{"startUrl": "", "region": "ap-southeast-2", "accessToken": "<token>", "expiresAt": "2024-03-01T11:44:08Z", "clientId": "Wn1c2S1a1iknojKnWR_HVGFwLXNvdXRoZWFzdC0y", "clientSecret": "<SECRET>", "registrationExpiresAt": "2024-05-30T10:43:48Z", "refreshToken": "<REFRESH_TOKEN>"}