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Pull AWS credentials from multiple sources when building console url #664

Closed meyerjrr closed 1 month ago

meyerjrr commented 1 month ago

What changed?

Previously when building the console url with assume -c and granted console. It would build the console URL purely off the credentials in the environment.

Now it will attempt to pull from the environment as well as using credential process.


If the environment variables were not exported the console command would fail to build the federated URL for opening in the console. Returning a 400 error

How did you test it?

With DefaultExportAllEnvVar set to false and tested with granted console confirmed it was working as intended. (This was returning 400 errors previously)

With DefaultExportAllEnvVar set to true, granted console was still working as it was before.

Potential risks

Is patch release candidate?

Link to relevant docs PRs