common-workflow-language / cwltool

Common Workflow Language reference implementation
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Wrong rdfs namespace in cwltool --print-rdf #427

Open stain opened 7 years ago

stain commented 7 years ago

Expected Behavior

cwltool --print-rdf should use conventional valid namespaces where they exist.

Actual Behavior

Wrong prefix for the rdfs namespace, seems to be caused by <rdfs:comment> being interpreted as an URI instead of a qname mapped to the rdfs namespace

@prefix ns1: <rdfs:> .

Workflow Code

Full Traceback

 cwltool --print-rdf
@prefix SoftwareRequirement: <> .
@prefix Workflow: <> .
@prefix cwl: <> .
@prefix ns1: <rdfs:> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
<> cwl:default "Hello World" ;
    cwl:inputBinding [ CommandLineBinding:position 1 ],
        [ CommandLineBinding:position 1 ] ;
    sld:type xsd:string ;
    ns1:comment "The message to print" .

Your Environment

stain commented 7 years ago

Could it be because Process.yml and Workflow.yml schemas uses:

- name: SchemaBase
  type: record
  abstract: true
    - name: label
        - "null"
        - string
      jsonldPredicate: "rdfs:label"
      doc: "A short, human-readable label of this object."

yet does not declare rdfs as a namespace?

  cwl: ""
  sld: ""
tetron commented 7 years ago

I think that might be it.

MarkRobbo commented 7 years ago

Solved by common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language#461 hopefully

mr-c commented 7 years ago

@MarkRobbo Yes, I'll make the PR to update the git sub-tree next

mr-c commented 7 years ago

@MarkRobbo I made a new release of cwltool: v1.0.20170622090721 -- please re-open if that doesn't work for you!

MarkRobbo commented 7 years ago

@mr-c Thanks a lot!

MarkRobbo commented 7 years ago

Although the namespace is now present, so still is the incorrect one under "ns1" and that is the one being used.

@prefix CommandLineBinding: <> .
@prefix CommandLineTool: <> .
@prefix CommandOutputBinding: <> .
@prefix Dirent: <> .
@prefix DockerRequirement: <> .
@prefix EnvVarRequirement: <> .
@prefix EnvironmentDef: <> .
@prefix ExpressionTool: <> .
@prefix File: <> .
@prefix InlineJavascriptRequirement: <> .
@prefix LinkMergeMethod: <> .
@prefix Parameter: <> .
@prefix ResourceRequirement: <> .
@prefix ScatterMethod: <> .
@prefix SchemaDefRequirement: <> .
@prefix SoftwarePackage: <> .
@prefix SoftwareRequirement: <> .
@prefix Workflow: <> .
@prefix cwl: <> .
@prefix ns1: <rdfs:> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sld: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a cwl:Workflow ;
    Workflow:steps <> ;
    cwl:cwlVersion cwl:v1.0 ;
    cwl:outputs <> ;
    ns1:comment "Outputs a message using echo" ;
    ns1:label "Hello World" .

<> cwl:outputSource <> ;
    sld:type cwl:File .

<> cwl:out <> ;
    cwl:run <> .

<> a cwl:CommandLineTool ;
    cwl:baseCommand ( "echo" ),
        ( "echo" ) ;
    cwl:inputs <> ;
    cwl:outputs <> ;
    cwl:stdout "response.txt" .

<> cwl:default "Hello World" ;
    cwl:inputBinding [ CommandLineBinding:position 1 ],
        [ CommandLineBinding:position 1 ] ;
    sld:type xsd:string ;
    ns1:comment "The message to print" .

<> cwl:outputBinding [ CommandOutputBinding:glob "response.txt" ],
        [ CommandOutputBinding:glob "response.txt" ] ;
    sld:type cwl:File .
mr-c commented 7 years ago

@MarkRobbo Ah, I thought you had tested the other fix :-P

mr-c commented 7 years ago

FYI: rdfs:comment occurs in the field of DocType of the schema_salad metaschema.yml and likewise for the RecordField in metaschema_base.yml:

The field is defined as

The predicate URI that this field corresponds to. Corresponds to JSON-LD @id directive

Does this information get us closer to a fix?

mr-c commented 7 years ago