common-workflow-language / user_guide

The CWL v1.0 - v1.2 user guide
42 stars 67 forks source link

convert license to RST to restore indirect links #366

Closed mr-c closed 1 year ago

mr-c commented 1 year ago

Example of working around

The following files also have internal links that need converting to ReST.

My conversion process:

pandoc --from markdown --to rst --reference-links  > LICENSE.rst
vim LICENSE.MD # edit vim to change the links to be named links
git add LICENSE.rst
git rm

# edit any references to to refer to .rst

For LICENSE only, since it had existing translations, those needed to be updated

make gettext
cp _build/gettext/*.pot includes/
sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext -l es -l pt  # this update the existing templates
make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='pt'" html  # build the pt docs
open _build/html/LICENSE.html  # check that the translation templates still worked
# if there are problems
meld _build/gettext/user_guide.pot locales/pt/LC_MESSAGES/user_guide.po
# look for `fuzzy`

Note: the links in the output from pandoc need to be adjusted, even with --reference-links. This is the vim step above, and can be done with any editor.

Change the links from this style:

All Common Workflow Language project instructional material and changes
to the structure are also made available under the `Creative Commons
Attribution license`_. The following is a human-readable summary of (and
not a substitute for) the `full legal text of the CC BY 4.0 license`_.

.. _Creative Commons Attribution license:
.. _full legal text of the CC BY 4.0 license:


All Common Workflow Language project instructional material and changes
to the structure are also made available under the `Creative Commons
Attribution license <cc-by-human_>`_. The following is a human-readable summary of (and
not a substitute for) the `full legal text of the CC BY 4.0 license <cc-by-legal_>`_.

.. _cc-by-human:
.. _cc-by-legal:

That way the links have a target (cc-by-human) independent of the link text, which will need to change in the translations.

Not using --reference-links leads to in-line URLs, but I'd rather those stay out of the translations to avoid typos or the need to adjust translations when updating links:

All Common Workflow Language project instructional material and changes
to the structure are also made available under the `Creative Commons
Attribution license <>`__.
The following is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for)
the `full legal text of the CC BY 4.0
license <>`__.