commonality / archetypes

䷴ Universal, rule-based business collaboration APIs for e-commerce and customer relationship management (CRM).
Apache License 2.0
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docs(api-specs): revisions #17

Open gregswindle opened 7 years ago

gregswindle commented 7 years ago

:bulb: TIP: Select the "Preview" Tab to help read these instructions.

1. Issue type

Type the letter "x" in the "checkbox" the best describe this issue.

2. User story summary

Describe what you want to accomplish and in what role/capacity, and why it's important to you. EXAMPLE: As a Job Applicant, I want to submit my resume In order to be considered for a job opening.

As a product maintainer, I want to use GitHub as much as possible In order to avoid relying on specs on hosted servers.

3. Acceptance criteria

Replace the examples below with your own imperative, "true/false" statements for the behavior you expect to see, or the behavior that would be true if there were no errors (for defects).

gregswindle commented 7 years ago

"Raw" OpenAPI specification URLs on GitHub

  1. Locale:
  2. Money:
  3. Party:
  4. Quantity: