commonbaseapp / zodex

The missing zod (de)?serialization library
MIT License
38 stars 5 forks source link

feat: add dezerialize #16

Closed brettz9 closed 5 months ago

brettz9 commented 6 months ago

I've sought to graft your dezerial branch changes onto main, with only a few changes from that code (e.g., merging in the tests for 100% coverage besides ui.ts), including dropping the files you dropped (besides ui.ts and its dependency infer.ts).

I don't claim to have too deep of an understanding of the types, but thankfully the branch seemed to already have most of that work done.

brettz9 commented 5 months ago

@Gregoor : Think you'll be able to take a look?

heikir commented 5 months ago

Done. Let me look into the permissions thing.