commonbaseapp / zodex

The missing zod (de)?serialization library
MIT License
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Switch to JSON #19

Closed brettz9 closed 2 weeks ago

brettz9 commented 3 weeks ago

It appears to me that the Zodex format is JSON-compatible with the exception of the current use of a few BigInt's (min, max, and multipleOf on the "bigint" type).

In order to make the format serializable for the network out of the box, perhaps this small deviation from JSON could be changed, using strings to represent the BigInt values?

Gregoor commented 2 weeks ago

Makes sense to me, would be a breaking change though, so one should major bump when releasing this

brettz9 commented 2 weeks ago

Seems that version 0.8.0 didn't end up getting published for some reason...

Gregoor commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the notice, the token had expired, I just did a manual publish and will update the token