commonbaseapp / zodex

The missing zod (de)?serialization library
MIT License
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Browser #28

Open brettz9 opened 1 week ago

brettz9 commented 1 week ago

feat: add esm build


Gregoor commented 2 days ago

While I like the simplicity of having browser ready JS, I don't like vendoring in zod. My leaning would be to just use vite, as we're already depending on it anyway

brettz9 commented 2 days ago

Sorry, so you mean to include the demo, but for local use only—using Vite instead of Rollup/node-static, and not doing the GitHub Pages-ready bundling at all, right?

brettz9 commented 1 day ago

I've added #37 . If that meets your needs, I can rebase the other PRs fairly easily on top of it.

Gregoor commented 1 day ago

Uuh I must’ve missed the gh pages part sorry, will check again (looking at it from my phone atm, so it will be later). But in general I’d also use vite to do a static GitHub pages export

brettz9 commented 1 day ago

Re: GitHub Pages, there's no special code for it--just by bundling it in vendor, the main branch could be configured on GitHub to run the demo web app.

But with your preference for Vite, though I've gotten things going with local use of vite in #37, if you wouldn't mind, I'll leave any static production deployment work to you, as the production configuration looks a little involved, and you might have your own ideas about how to do it anyways.

Gregoor commented 1 day ago

Happy to take prod deployment over, but it's gonna be a week or so until I have time to look into it