commonbaseapp / zodex

The missing zod (de)?serialization library
MIT License
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fix: add string checks #4

Closed brettz9 closed 1 year ago

brettz9 commented 1 year ago

If ok, I'll submit the inclusive addition at the end of this batch of PRs, as I had built them on top of each other and that was the last one.

brettz9 commented 1 year ago

@Gregoor If you're busy no worries, but it'd be great to get this merged, as have 6 more equally small PRs to submit on top of this. Thanks!

Gregoor commented 1 year ago

I am currently working on this branch where I also want to get deserialisation in. Feature completeness does increase the load of things I'll also have to do over there. Would it be alright for me to ping you once its merged to also do the symmetrical additions for deserialisation?

brettz9 commented 1 year ago

Can you extend the types as well to make sure these properties are accessible from TS?

Sure. May need some help as am quite new to regular use of TS, but I think I can follow the pattern you've established for these more superficial changes at least.

I am currently working on this branch where I also want to get deserialisation in. Feature completeness does increase the load of things I'll also have to do over there. Would it be alright for me to ping you once its merged to also do the symmetrical additions for deserialisation?

Would be happy to try :-) Especially if you get the TS issues you mentioned elsewhere for that branch worked out, then I expect it should be manageable for me.

brettz9 commented 1 year ago

Thank you, Gregoor!