commoncriteria / mobile-device

Protection Profile for Mobile Device Fundamentals
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Inconsistent bullets in Table 6 #55

Closed woodbe closed 2 years ago

woodbe commented 3 years ago

Most of the bullets in the table use a, b, c, etc for the choices, but there are some that have both bullets and letters, and some that only have bullets. I don't really know that it matters what to pick, but given that the first 2 rows (which are mandatory) use "numbering", I would think that this is the expectation for all the options (and all the mandatory options have only letters on them, no bullets).

(Just a note, this isn't new to 3.2, it is also this way in 3.1, I just think it should be cleaned up)

The following lines are where I see the inconsistencies:

Bullet + letters 3 5 8 18 21 45

Bullets only 39 41

woodbe commented 2 years ago

FTA_SSL_EXT.1.3 has the same issue. Normally numbered lists use 1, 2, 3, etc, but here it is using a, b.

crpezol commented 2 years ago

Changed table 7 and FTA_SSL_EXT.1.3 to use bullets instead of letters, which is consistent with the rest of the document.

woodbe commented 2 years ago

So bullets have been added for Table 7, but the lettering is still there in the bullet, so you have things like:

in line 18.

For FTA_SSL_EXT.1.3 it now has a/b instead of 1/2, but it isn't bullets either way.

woodbe commented 2 years ago

Also, if bullets are to be used everywhere in Table 7, then additional rows need to be changed, like 1 and 2, and 3/5 still need to be changed because the "a" still exists in each one (though the remaining items are now bullets, but still with the letters).

crpezol commented 2 years ago

The bullets are part of the "selection" tag in our XML so that's what we are going with. There shouldn't be any letters/numbers in the selections anymore, only bullets. On my version I'm only seeing bullets in table 7 and FTA_SSL_EXT.1.3. Try refreshing the document because sometimes the browsers like to keep a cached version and I've seen where some changes are there and others take a few refreshes to show up.

woodbe commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I just checked from another browser and it is correct.