commoncriteria / transforms

Repository for various transforms that are common across CC projects.
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Management Function Reforms #109

Open robertmclemons opened 3 months ago

robertmclemons commented 3 months ago

Roles: Define Roles in Introduction. Reference them in FMT_SMR using a R.ROLE-style name. Roles can be optional, but they must be defined. I don't see why an ST Author should be able to add a Role. Should they?

Management Functions: Defined in FMT_SMF: Includes M.FUNC-style name, description of function, dependencies of function, function-specific EAs. Presentation of the MF list in FMT_SMR is included as attributes. Looking at bulleted list, selectable list, hybrid-list, table format. I also don't see why an ST Author should be able to add a management function when the TC did not include requirements for it, but at this point it is allowed.

Mapping of Roles and permissions to Management Functions: FMT_MOF: This should be a table. Not sure yet how this is going to work.