commoncriteria / transforms

Repository for various transforms that are common across CC projects.
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Autolinking for multiple defined things. #24

Closed kgal closed 1 year ago

kgal commented 4 years ago

As a corollary to #6, the automatic link parsing breaks down in cases like this where the Module has multiple Base-PPs that each have the same SFR that is modified by the Module, and/or the same additional-sfr is shared between Base-PPs. The VPN Client Module has multiple instances of, for example, FCS_CKM.1, FCS_CKM.2, and FCS_CKM_EXT.1, but the automatic link parser just links all references to the very first instance. It’s not a huge problem and trying to fix it might cause more problems than it solves, but I wanted to bring it up for the sake of completeness.

kgal commented 1 year ago

You should be able to explicitly link items by adding an id attribute to the definition and then referencing it explicitly with an xref element:

For example:

    <f-component cc-id="foo_bar_ext.1" iteration="abcd" id="fc-a-memorable-id">
    And this is some text somewhere <xref to="fc-a-memorable-id"/>