commoncriteria / transforms

Repository for various transforms that are common across CC projects.
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Automatic table numbering #81

Closed jfisherbah closed 6 months ago

jfisherbah commented 7 months ago

The acronyms table in a PP/Module/Package should be automatically captioned and numbered the same way as other automatic tables are (see e.g. auditable events and SAR tables).

Additionally, unsure if this capability already exists but there should be a way (if feasible) to add an arbitrary table caption tag to a user-generated HTML table for consistency. For example, the Implicitly Satisfied Requirements table (typically appendix D, see for example is user-generated in HTML but doesn't have a caption, so it's visually inconsistent with other tables in the same document.

jfisherbah commented 7 months ago

update - arbitrary user generated tables can be captioned using html div tag. Recommendation to apply automatic caption to acronyms table still applies

jfisherbah commented 7 months ago

update 2 - there are actually many tables that exist in the document that do not get captioned automatically (e.g. everything in the consistency rationale), Ideally we should probably handle all of them consistently

robertmclemons commented 7 months ago

Added captions and numbers to the tables in the Consistency Rationale section of Modules

robertmclemons commented 7 months ago

For user generated tables it's probably better to use the html <caption> element. E.g. The module-reform branch of vpnclient does this for the Implicitly Satisfied Requirements:

        <h:b><ctr ctr-type="Table" pre="Table " id="imp-sat-reqs-table">: Implicitly Satisfied Requirements</ctr></h:b>
robertmclemons commented 7 months ago

Added caption and number to acronyms table

jfisherbah commented 7 months ago

should probably add for bibliography too

robertmclemons commented 7 months ago


robertmclemons commented 6 months ago
