commoncriteria / virtualization

Protection Profile for Virtualization
The Unlicense
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5.1.5 FIA_UAU.5 #42

Closed robertmclemons closed 3 years ago

robertmclemons commented 3 years ago

Add to the Application Note, "If the ST author selects remote authentication based on ‘SSH public-key credential’, the TSF shall be validated against the Extended Package for Secure Shell.", in accordance with the above revision of the FIA_AFL_EXT.1.1 selections.

This change synchronizes the selection requirements with those defined in the Application Note for FIA_UAU.5.1.

robertmclemons commented 3 years ago

Agree. But leaving this for now till I know whether it will be the EP for SSH or the FP for SSH.

robertmclemons commented 3 years ago

Just closing this and calling it good.