commoncriteria / virtualization

Protection Profile for Virtualization
The Unlicense
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APE_SPD.1-2 (Comment applis to Virt 1.0) #60

Closed robertmclemons closed 3 years ago

robertmclemons commented 3 years ago

"The evaluator shall examine the security problem definition to determine that all threats are described in terms of a threat agent, an asset, and an adverse action."

T.VMM_COMPROMISE - Defines the threat agent as an unauthorized entity though it is unclear whether the threat agent is expected to be human or programmatic or both.

T.WEAK_CRYPTO - Defines the threat agent as a sophisticated adversary though it does not define an adverse action or the target asset of attack.

robertmclemons commented 3 years ago

Added some words to the Threat section to addess these issues.