commoncriteria / virtualization

Protection Profile for Virtualization
The Unlicense
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APE_REQ.2-3 (Virt 1.0) #69

Closed robertmclemons closed 3 years ago

robertmclemons commented 3 years ago

"The evaluator shall examine the PP to determine that all subjects, objects, operations, security attributes, external entities and other terms that are used in the SFRs and the SARs are defined."

FCS_CKM_EXT.4.1 and 4.2 says: "The TSF shall cause disused cryptographic…" Recommend using "unused" instead of "disused" because it is used more in regular conversation and easier to read through smoothly.

robertmclemons commented 3 years ago

Gonna push back on this one. "Disused" means "no longer used." "Unused" means "never used." If there is a word for "disused relative to the current session," then I would go with that one. Maybe "no longer needed for the foreseeable future."