commons-app / apps-android-commons

The Wikimedia Commons Android app allows users to upload pictures from their Android phone/tablet to Wikimedia Commons
Apache License 2.0
1.01k stars 1.19k forks source link

First draft of Project Grant proposal (2019 plans) #1889

Closed misaochan closed 4 years ago

misaochan commented 6 years ago

I've finally completed the first draft of the proposal for our Project Grant application! 🙂 If approved, we will start March 2019. Of course, I will need to flesh the proposal out some more before submitting it on-wiki, but I wanted to get everyone's thoughts before I proceed further. Ideally we could come to a consensus on which tasks we want to include in the proposal in 2 wks' time, so that I can start writing the on-wiki proposal then (would like to get it up by the end of Oct to get community feedback, and I will be travelling for 1.5 wks in Oct, so need to plan ahead a bit 🙂).

This project plan is based on person-week estimates for 3 part-time developers with feature loads (the 4th developer will be focusing primarily on bugs/crashes). The initial plan was to apply for a project lasting 9 months (the maximum length that a PG can involve is 12 months AFAIK). However, the number of estimated person-weeks below exceeds that significantly, and in fact is approximately equal to 12 months for 3 devs! So I guess we also have to decide whether we want to keep everything here and extend our plan to 12 months (if all of the grantees are OK with that), or whether we should remove some of the things and scale it down to 9 months. Also, if we want to add something new, we probably have to remove something else.

Feedback from anyone greatly appreciated! @neslihanturan @maskaravivek @ashishkumar468 @nicolas-raoul @VojtechDostal @whym @tobias47n9e @dbrant

Proposal draft

We want to focus on our strengths as a mobile app - (1) seamlessly guiding the user to upload photos for locations that need them via an interactive and fun process, and (2) a convenient and stable upload tool especially for people living in the global south, where Commons pictures are often lacking, and mobile phone usage and ownership greatly exceeds PC usage.

There are a few barriers that stand in the way of achieving this:

This grant aims to address these barriers.

Targeted acquisition of photos for places that need them:

Total: 40 wks

Increase diversity of Commons contributors:

Geographical diversity:

This will be useful to everyone, but especially for people in rural areas and/or the Global South where public wifi is rare and mobile data is limited and/or expensive. The aim is to allow these users to still use features like Nearby list (which uses little bandwidth) to take pictures on the go, but to hold off on high bandwidth operations until they are in a location with wifi.

Gender diversity:

Based on findings by WMDE in their "Charting Diversity" report (, key action points for improving diversity include (1) image and communication campaigns, and (2) informational/educational films. Quote: "It would also be important to focus on presenting images of female and male editors as well as editors with other gender identities (such as LGBTTI). This would generate more robust role model functions for other potential authors and focus on previously underrepresented groups."

Total: 20 wks

Further reduce deletion rate & increase usability of images uploaded

Total: 42 wks

Increase app stability, code quality and ease of uploading

Total: 40 wks (bugs/crashes not included as they will be assigned to 4th member of team)

New main screen UI

It seems a little bit premature to plan a newer UI when our new UI is still in development, but bear in mind that this "newer UI" will only be implemented at the end of the grant, which will be end of 2019 at the earliest. With the new features that we are planning (and some of the recent features that we already have, e.g. Achievements and Browse), it makes sense IMO to move away from My Contributions being the focal point of the main screen.

My (very preliminary) thoughts on a potential new main screen UI:

Bottom nav bar: Home, Nearby, Browse, My contributions.

Home (which will be the main activity) could contain:

Total: 15 wks


Culminate in v3.0 at the end of the grant period.

Socialize project

After v3.0 is released:

Total: 10 wks

Total number of person-wks for all the above: 168 wks

Metrics of success:

ilgazer commented 6 years ago

The proposal looks very nice! :ok_hand: .

Limited connectivity mode would be a brilliant addition! Especially if we could imlement better caching for contributions, browse and nearby(If possible, this could work like Google Maps's offline maps feature)

video demonstrating a diverse range of participants talking about our app seems like a nice idea for better outreach. If the video will be produced after the summer of 2019, I might even be able to convince one of my close friends, an amateur video editor, into editing the videos. No promises though :D

Overhaul legacy upload code and UI will be a great addition both in terms of app usability and code maintainability. For some time I have been working on the UI portion of this overhaul and I expect the PR #1796 Upload UI overhaul to be complete much before March. Thus, work will only remain on the upload service and backend code. While the backend code requires a lot of work, would overhauling the backend alone take 20 person-weeks?

Hold workshops to teach people how to use the app to contribute to Commons is a great idea to gain new users, and I believe that the concept would benefit from getting more fleshed out. Maybe we could write up the descisions reached in #1871 into a wiki page to make it more permanent.

misaochan commented 6 years ago

Thanks @ilgazer ! :)

If the video will be produced after the summer of 2019, I might even be able to convince one of my close friends, an amateur video editor, into editing the videos. No promises though :D

Awesome! Will let you know.

Thus, work will only remain on the upload service and backend code. While the backend code requires a lot of work, would overhauling the backend alone take 20 person-weeks?

I think it would be safer to allocate that much to it, especially as category search (we have 4 types of suggestions currently), adding templates for location/license/etc, all the file checks etc are included (and also very likely some other things that I hadn't thought of - I underestimated the time needed for tasks in the current grant). If you manage to do more than expected by then, we can always reallocate the time to, say, writing more unit tests or other improvements that weren't included in the grant. :)

ilgazer commented 6 years ago

I think it would be safer to allocate that much to it, especially as category search (we have 4 types of suggestions currently), adding templates for location/license/etc, all the file checks etc are included (and also very likely some other things that I hadn't thought of

I never looked at it that way. I can see how the code behind those functions would benefit from refactoring as well.

dbrant commented 6 years ago

This looks excellent. Always happy to see that the app is in such good hands.

nicolas-raoul commented 6 years ago

talk to the Wikipedia team

Better maybe say "talk to Wikipedia teams" as there are hundreds of Wikipedias each with a very specific culture? At the same time, I guess it is difficult to actually talk to all of them, if only because of the language barrier.

misaochan commented 6 years ago

@dbrant Thanks so much! :)

@nicolas-raoul Ah sorry, I wasn't specific. I meant that we might want to talk to the WMF tech team behind the Wikipedia software that we decide to use for that purpose, to see if they think it is appropriate. So for instance if we reach a consensus that we would like to use the Wikipedia Android app, then we would talk to the Android team. If we decide on the mobile web version, we would talk to the mobile web team (I think there is a team for this)?

In the meantime I guess we can rope in @dbrant , haha. @dbrant , do you think it would be OK for us to call the Wikipedia app (via intent) for this purpose?

After uploading a photo via Nearby, if Wikipedia article exists for it and that article has no relevant images, allow user to add their recently-uploaded picture to the relevant Wikipedia article (or have a to-do list like Nicolas suggests). We would prompt the user to copy the image code (with filename and caption already prefilled), with brief instructions about where to put it, then load the relevant article via the Wikipedia app or Wikipedia mobile website. #872

VojtechDostal commented 6 years ago

@misaochan Did I tell you that you've become a fantastic project manager? :-) This looks really good and you must have put a lot of work into this. I like the way related issues are grouped together. It shows there is some thought behind all this.

Also I reaffirm my and my chapter's offer to help with app promotion next year as well. Now that social sites are growing, we can think about the in-person events (such as workshops mentioned in the text) or ways to address people at Wikimedia conferences.

misaochan commented 6 years ago

@VojtechDostal Thanks so much! That means a lot to us. :) You guys have been a huge help in growing our userbase (BTW, the current active installs is 3887, I think we might possibly be able to hit 4000 by the end of the year :D )

maskaravivek commented 6 years ago

@misaochan Great work at detailing out the plan for 2019. The tasks look good to me and more or less the estimates also look fine. :)

misaochan commented 5 years ago

Update: I've just completed the on-wiki proposal - :) Would greatly appreciate if anyone could take a read through it, and provide feedback or endorse if you see fit. Also, if you are interested in officially signing up as a volunteer (not necessary in order to contribute, but would be nice), feel free to add yourself to the list of volunteers in the Probox (the template at the top of the page).

I will proceed with broader community notifications next week.