commons-stack / commonsprize

NOTE: New dates are May 15 - 22 for first round of voting (to select finalists) for Commons Prize.
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Alas! A Cyber Physical Commons for OpenGuitar. #14

Closed usama9500 closed 2 years ago

usama9500 commented 2 years ago


Tell us about the community that you are nominating

Alas DAO is a coalition of projects with the mission to advance the OpenGuitar ecosystem. OpenGuitar started as a social-educational project with focus on STE(A)M education (science, technology, engineering (arts) and math) for children and teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds. Together we run workshops, do live concerts and network performances, create software (“Acustica Lab”) and educational material for students and provide build-your-own open guitar kits for educators.

What public goods does this community support or will they support in the future?

We are teaching a broad spectrum of skills, from 3D design and hands-on woodworking to computer aided manufacturing (CAM), sensor robotics and computer programming. We co-create educational material and run workshops.

We completed the Token Academy research track on rewards systems for DAOs and want to apply and advance token engineering fundamentals. We work on providing perpetual shared royalties for the OpenGuitar ecosystem to make artwork sustainable. We also plan to use Data Unions to utilize self-sovereign musical expression data for individuals, ensembles, collectives and networks.

Who are the people, DAOs and other organizations already part of this community?

We are a community of researchers and artists who want to reduce the impact of data monopolies in the realm of cyber-physical systems. Our community members share a mission to create digital public goods and sustain their use. A cyber-physical Commons combines humans from various backgrounds, interests and research disciplines. This is reflected in the nomination of our stewards:

For OpenSience it is mandatory to learn from the mistakes we made in the OpenSource communities: Free licenses for software, hardware and processes (i.e. medical lab protocols) should be designed in a way that they sustain the Commons and make it available for the public. The public can have local constraints. We hope to re-establish, realign and revive communities that assemble around a campfire to share the latest stories, a small club to share music with a small group of fans and supporters, humans coordinating their work without the central authorities present in the attention and data sharing economy. Token engineering has the tools and methods that make this worthwhile to be tried in the digital realm - empower communities to help them nurture their Commons. Give protection to those who sustain public goods. Make a shift towards regenerative Commons possible. Concepts such as Data Dignity and Data as labor are key to sustain digital economies beyond selling ads, stop extracting value from artists, make work more meaningful and to minimize structural advantages of big players in the ecosystem and the resulting information imbalances. We have active and onoing partnerships with OpSci, TEC/TEA, TSD SchoolLab, TU Dresden,, Fablab Rosenwerk, Luthiers Hellerau, EthStaker, Gnosis Chain, Giveth, IDchain, BrightID, PrimeDAO, Gitcoin , Moonshot Collective, Streamr, DataUnions.

Why do you think this community needs a Commons?

We believe the web is moving away from attention as its business model toward community & collaboration. We are critical of some developments that arose from the Open Source movement and later have been adapted by the Open Science movement as well: The narratives of the sharing economy have been identified as a major cause for the stagnation we see in markets and especially in ecosystems and projects who create public goods. As a consequence, we are very critical with some of the core values of the current internet: the radical openness (radical opensource and openscience) needs to be limited to closed and aligned communities doing work while claiming their right to be left alone to accomplish their goals (“Peer Openness”). As computer scientists we want to take responsibility for the tools we create. We think a combination of Co-ops as a legislative structure combined with DAO as an organizational paradigm can enable us to shift to regenerative practices for OpenGuitar. The Trusted Seed of the Commons Stack is a community of altruistic experts in the Token Engineering / decentralized governance / web3 space helping communities in the launch of new Commons to ensure initial token distributions land with trusted and reputable actors in the ecosystem. This is exactly what we need and all we are asking for.

What other resources do you have that will make your Commons deployment a success?

Alas DAO started with a small grant from the Openweb summit in 2021. That budget of ~2k$ in NEAR is still available. We also apply for traditional grants, a crowd-funding to buy a CNC machine for the lab and want to reach out to partners to apply for grants targeted to the creation of our Commons. This effort is not yet funded, we are eager to learn in the process and are confident that funding opportunities will arise from it.


Do you have an idea for the name of this Commons?

Alas! A Cyber Physical Commons for OpenGuitar.

Submitted by [Discord handle or Twitter handle]

Discord: kn00t (🦎, 🦎)#8297
Twitter: TorstenGoerke

usama9500 commented 2 years ago

The issue has been closed as the first round has concluded! Loved the initiative 🙌