commons-stack / commonsprize

NOTE: New dates are May 15 - 22 for first round of voting (to select finalists) for Commons Prize.
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The AI Commons, Algovera #16

Open usama9500 opened 2 years ago

usama9500 commented 2 years ago


Tell us about the community that you are nominating

The AI Commons

What public goods does this community support or will they support in the future?

AI Public Goods

Who are the people, DAOs, and other organizations already part of this community?

Why do you think this community needs a Commons?

AI is the most powerful technology that we collectively have access to. We should utilize that technology in service of the commons. We should collectively create and utilize AI tools to serve public goods. An example of how this could be done, is have a collective of deployed AI systems found and scale a DAO. Build in a mechanism such that a portion of this DAO's treasury automatically flows into a commons allocators.

What other resources do you have that will make your Commons deployment a success?

Here is Trent McConaghy discussing the AI commons and how we can get there in 2019

Do you have an idea for the name of this Commons?

AI For Good / AI Commons

Submitted by [Discord handle or Twitter handle]

Discord: ygg_anderson#4998
Twitter: @ygg_anderson

tamarandom commented 2 years ago

Breaking news!

YGG and Richard would like to expand the scope of this nomination. For the sake of transparency - and since voting has already started - it is being included as a thread instead of updated in the body.

The update expands further, more concretely, on YGG's nomination for an AI Commons.

Tell us about the community that you are nominating

Algovera is a community of independent AI teams creating useful AI applications. Our mission is to empower data scientists to work for themselves on their own ideas and keep ownership of their creations. Check out a recent podcast on our history and vision.

What public goods does this community support or will they support in the future?

Who are the people, DAOs, and other organizations already part of this community?

Why do you think this community needs a Commons?

AI is the most powerful technology that we collectively have access to. Currently, the power of AI is centralized in the hands of a few big companies and universities. This centralization includes many layers of the AI stack such as data, infrastructure (compute), intellectual property (code, patents, know how) and talent (researchers, engineers). Furthermore, the use of these resources is largely dictated by commercial interests in a top-down manner. Often, this results in the development of technologies that are harmful to society (e.g. surveillance, ad clicks). In our experience, generally well-meaning people can be persuaded to work on these technologies through top-down rigid hierarchies. Also, AI continues to automate many jobs and the issue of supporting an AI-dominated economy is little explored.

We believe that new types of organizations can take us off our current path. Given the freedom and support to decide on their pursuit, we believe that independent teams will generally work on use cases that are better for the world. Apps can be collectively owned and governed with proceeds flowing into a DAO treasury to be further distributed. Token engineering simulations can be performed to come up with new economic models for the redistribution of value generated by AI. You can read more about our vision for AI ownership here. There is a strong open source ethos, online presence and passion for good in the AI community (e.g. HuggingFace, EleutherAI). However, workers tend to contribute to these projects on evening and weekends, while sustaining themselves with salaries from tech companies. Can new mechanisms of funding free more people to work full time on open source and AI for Good?

What other resources do you have that will make your Commons deployment a success?

Our community is our strongest resource. We are well connected across much of the decentralized AI stack:

We are influenced by many leading thinkers such as Trent McConaghy (see a video of our discussion with Trent around decentralized AI).

Do you have an idea for the name of this Commons?

The AI Commons, Algovera

Submitted by [Discord handle or Twitter handle]

Discord: “richardblythman |”, ygg_anderson#4998\ Twitter: @richardblythman, @ygg_anderson

Jose5048 commented 2 years ago

Honestly, does this initiative really need funding from the Common Stack Prize? Its already part of the eco system with its involvement with Ocean Protocol etc.

graial commented 2 years ago

how would you describe your target/ideal commoners and what would be the first steps they could take to become part of the commons? Please try for an answer a little more sophisticated than join the discord