commons-stack / commonsprize

NOTE: New dates are May 15 - 22 for first round of voting (to select finalists) for Commons Prize.
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Greens for Good #6

Closed usama9500 closed 2 years ago

usama9500 commented 2 years ago


Tell us about the community that you are nominating

A proposal submitted by Greens for Good, an "open venture" part of the Sensorica OVN. We practice material commons-based peer production (mCBBP) for the past decade. In terms of web3 development, we are at the end of the value chain, your experienced user. We often hear that Blockchain has no material applications. Let’s prove that wrong!

MAIN OBJECTIVE: Design and disseminate open source and DIY food processing equipment. Main target is developing world communities.
Application is village scale. Core function is plant protein extraction, modular and multipurpose.

ANALOGY: Greens for Good is for food processing what Precious Plastic is for plastic recycling. NOTE: If Precious Plastics is nominated for this prize consider accepting them together!

ABOUT MATERIAL PEER PRODUCTION Bitcoin is the first large scale example of digital peer production, a swarm offering a stable and secure token exchange service. Its design doesn't please everyone, but it demonstrates how peer production based on stigmergy works, moving away from central planning. We extend this new pattern to material peer production, to the development and dissemination of open source hardware.

Greens for Good, a permissionless enterprise with the mission to develop and disseminate hardware solutions for food sovereignty and sustainability. It runs on seed funding, a pretty good size community around it, and a tested and proven economic model to sustain it in the future.

What public goods does this community support or will they support in the future?

Open source food processing devices/hardware, designed with DIY in mind.

Greens for Good does NOT adopt a market distribution model. In other words, we are NOT designing a product to be sold to those in need. Instead, we are designing, prototyping, and testing food processing devices and distributing the designs, manuals, and other type of multimedia content as Creative Commons. We are also setting up infrastructure and ecosystem services to facilitate the adoption, local fabrication and maintenance of these devices.

Overall, the public good that we're supporting is good hardware solutions for food sovereignty and sustainability, together with an economic platform to spread and sustain these solutions.

NOTE: An open-source design of a device left hanging on a wiki, on the www is not enough. We need to think in terms of collaborative economy.

Who are the people, DAOs, and other organizations already part of this community?

Greens for Good has 20 registered participants, 8 academic partners and 10 NGO partners to help design and spread this technology. Moreover, the Greens for Good open and collaborative venture is incubated within the Sensorica open value network and benefits from the whole network support.

Why do you think this community needs a Commons?

Greens for Good uses a collaborative entrepreneurship model. Moreover, this venture is open (quasi permissionless access to participation) and transparent (public access to all information). Greens for Good is incubated within the Sensorica open value network and it has been impregnated with Sensorica's model of material peer production. The tools that TEC is developing are complementary to the tools that we are already using. Moreover, we share the same economic philosophy and culture. Adding web3 tools to our current model will help us increase our capacity and accelerate development. Moreover, mixing Sensorica's peer production model with the Commons model developed by TED and CS and applying all that in the context of a real hardware-based venture will be a great benefit for the entire p2p and commons-based peer production community.

What other resources do you have that will make your Commons deployment a success?

Yes, the Greens for Good venture has its own seed funding. Moreover, we are constantly working on developing alternative funding streams. As mentioned before, Greens for Good is incubated within the Sensorica open value network (OVN) and already benefits from the OVN model, infrastructure (assemble of collaborative tools) and resources (designs, physical lab, equipment and tools, network of skilled individuals already accustomed with the collaborative paradigm). There is a general desire within the Sensorica network to build bridges with other open communities and networks, and cross-pollinate. Other sensoricans will push for the success of this collaboration between Greens for Good and TEC/CS.

Do you have an idea for the name of this Commons?

The venture is already branded as Greens for Good. We are not starting from scratch. We see this as building on top of our existing model, expanding our tools to expand our potential.

Submitted by [Discord handle or Twitter handle]

Discord: T!b!#2584 Twitter: @TiberiusB

usama9500 commented 2 years ago

The issue has been closed as the first round has concluded! Incredible cause 🙌