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No automated email telling me i KYC'd #23

Open GriffGreen opened 5 years ago

GriffGreen commented 5 years ago

I think we should be getting an email saying that I have done a good job kyc'ing :-D that will give me confidence that i was heard :-D

BvL13 commented 5 years ago

Answer from Mt. Pelerin: "we can send an automated mail telling the user that we received his/her information. Could you send me the content of the email you'd like to send ? The mail telling the user that he/she is KYC'd is sent when the information are confirmed and validated (this one already exists). We can customize it to your needs as well. So if you want, you can send me your customized content and I'll set it up."

BvL13 commented 5 years ago

If you use this link for the KYC Process: it will not trigger any e-mail.

I will receive all the communication that Mt.Pelerin usually has with their clients. We will ammend it and send it back. Mt.Pelerin will then implement them. I will keep you informed.