community-of-python / microbootstrap

Bootstrap your microservices in a second!
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Full refactoring. #1

Closed insani7y closed 1 month ago

insani7y commented 2 months ago

Tests are broken yet.

vrslev commented 2 months ago

Perhaps, it's a good idea to change abstractions a bit to something like this:

from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager
from functools import partial
from typing import (


    def merge_dict_configs(a: Any, b: Any) -> Any: ...
    def merge_pydantic_configs(a: Any, b: Any) -> Any: ...

    class Litestar: ...

    class OpenTelemetryInstrumentationMiddleware: ...

    class LitestarOpentelemetryConfig: ...

InstrumentConfig = TypeVar("InstrumentConfig")
InstrumentResult = TypeVar("InstrumentResult")

class Instrument(ContextManager, Protocol[InstrumentConfig, InstrumentResult]):
    def __enter__(self, config: InstrumentConfig) -> InstrumentResult: ...

class OpenTelemetryConfig: ...

class OpenTelemetryInstrumentResult(TypedDict):
    tracer_provider: Any
    exclude_urls: list[str]

def instrument_opentelemetry(
    config: OpenTelemetryConfig,
) -> Generator[OpenTelemetryInstrumentResult, None, None]:
    yield {"tracer_provider": ..., "exclude_urls": []}

ApplicationT = TypeVar("ApplicationT")
ApplicationConfigT = TypeVar("ApplicationConfigT")

class Configurator(Protocol[ApplicationT, ApplicationConfigT]):
    def make_application_from_config(
        self, config: ApplicationConfigT
    ) -> ApplicationT: ...
    def configure_opentelemetry(
        self, result: OpenTelemetryInstrumentResult
    ) -> None: ...
    def configure_teardown(self, teardown: Callable[[], None]) -> None: ...

class Settings: ...

def bootstrap(
    configurator: Configurator[ApplicationT, ApplicationConfigT],
    settings: Settings,
    application_config: ApplicationConfigT | None = None,
    opentelemetry_config: OpenTelemetryConfig | None = None,
) -> ApplicationT:
    exit_stack = ExitStack()
    full_application_config = application_config

    for instrument_config, instrument, framework_adapter in [
        config_piece = framework_adapter(
            instrument(merge_pydantic_configs(settings, instrument_config))
        full_application_config = merge_dict_configs(
            full_application_config, exit_stack.enter_context(config=config_piece)

    full_application_config = merge_dict_configs(
        full_application_config, configurator.configure_teardown(exit_stack.close)
    return configurator.make_application_from_config(full_application_config)

class LitestarConfigurator(Configurator[Litestar, dict[str, Any]]):
    def make_application_from_config(self, config: dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
        return Litestar(**config)

    def configure_opentelemetry(self, result: OpenTelemetryInstrumentResult) -> None:
        return {
            "middleware": OpenTelemetryInstrumentationMiddleware(

    def configure_teardown(self, teardown: Callable[[], None]) -> None:
        return {"on_shutdown": [teardown]}

bootstrap_litestar = partial(bootstrap, configurator=LitestarConfigurator())

def main() -> None:
    application = bootstrap_litestar(Settings())
  1. Instrument is a context managers that returns some result, that can be adapted for any framework.
  2. Configurator is an adapter from instruments to application config.
  3. There are no bootstrappers, just a function that gathers it all together.
insani7y commented 1 month ago

Tests are working! But there is much to be done still

codecov[bot] commented 1 month ago

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Mernus commented 1 month ago

First at all, thank you for your work. Package are really getting better. I like current structure and package usage.

Mernus commented 1 month ago

However, I have some suggestions and questions, and I am hopeful that they will only make better the package.

  1. bootstrap_before and bootstrap_after. Names of this methods dont tell me about ist usages. It provides some config data to app, but i can know this only if i read usage from docs, code or docstrings of this methods. I dont know how to name it better by now, but if any thoughts come to me - i will write them down.
  2. typing.Final - most code in package typed with Final, but not all.
insani7y commented 1 month ago