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Can't set up the dev environment. #299

Closed hwchiu closed 3 years ago

hwchiu commented 4 years ago


I followed the document to set up the local environment and failed in backend part.


I would like to set up a local environment to test it and I found a document I followed that document to setup thecla-backendandcla-backend-go` and didn't have a correct config file.

In cla-backend.

For the forth command make add_project_manager_permission username=<username> project_sfdc_id=<sfdc_id> bearer_token=<token> base_url=http://localhost:5000.

What is sfdc_id and token and how should I generate those values?

In cla-backend-go.

I followed the golang config struct to set up a basic env.json.

  "aws": {

and it still be error when I run ./cla server --config env.json

Logging format not defined - setting value to default: 'text'
Logging configured with level: debug, format: text
INFO[2019-10-24T18:05:56Z] Running init...
FATA[2019-10-24T18:05:56Z] AWS_REGION environment variable cannot be empty

I tried to use the env var to override the AWS_RESION and it seems I still missed some values.

AWS_REGION=us-east-1 ./cla server --config env.json
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Service CLA_SERVICE starting...
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Name                    : CLA_SERVICE
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Version                 : aa087325
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Git commit hash         : aa087325
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Branch                  : master
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Build date              : 2019-10-22T21:52:55+0000
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Golang OS               : linux
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Golang Arch             : amd64                                                                                             INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] GH_ORG_VALIDATION       : true
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] COMPANY_USER_VALIDATION : true
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] STAGE                   : dev
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Service Host            : k8s-dev
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Service Port            : 8080
INFO[2019-10-24T18:06:41Z] Loading local config...
PANI[0000] Unable to setup docraptor client - Error: invalid key
panic: (*logrus.Entry) (0x12146e0,0xc0002bb900)

Expected behavior

Could we have an example configuration files for cla-backend and cla-backend-go? like serverless.yml, env.json.




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  1. Anyone can follow the DEV document to easily set up a local environment for testing.


wanyaland commented 3 years ago
