Open dealako opened 4 years ago
I encountered this issue in messageformat/gettext-to-messageformat#3, with the GitHub Dependabot. To be clear, that repo is still using jsf-clabot, but it'll be switching to easycla once that's available for OpenJS projects.
Possibly relevant here is this section of the Dependabot terms:
Intellectual Property As part of providing the Service, Dependabot generates software code contributions to the customer's repositories. For the avoidance of doubt, Dependabot grants to each customer a non-exclusive, worldwide right or license to perform, display, and use the contributions and any content contained in, accessed by or transmitted through Dependabot to customer's repositories.
Given the above, I would like for the whitelisting of Dependabot to happen automatically, without me needing to configure anything.
Moved to post V2 LFX integration.
Project managers would like to add a bot to the approval list for their project.
TODO - add more details
Additional Notes: Ha, interesting topic. Different approaches were discussed: If they want dependabot to be whitelisted, we can create a solution in EasyCLA without too much difficulty. This could easily be a Project Management console configuration item (for the repos).
David Deal 2:34 PM on 01/07/2019
On the EasyCLA project side, we can implement whatever the legal team decides. An elegant solution would look like (assuming they want to leverage the whitelist solution) - pending legal team review and approval:
User Story
As a project manager, I want to whitelist a bot for my entire CLA Group.
Acceptance Criteria
The "done" criteria when this feature or problem is resolved. Such as:
(Optional) Provide any code or specification references that would be helpful for the developer implementing this feature.