communityus / TLE

Dual license repo of The Lacuna Expance GPL and MIT serated for clarity using submodules.
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cpanm #8

Open communityus opened 3 years ago

communityus commented 3 years ago
Data::Validate::Email is up to date. (0.06)
Text::CSV_XS is up to date. (1.44)
Log::Log4perl is up to date. (1.53)
UUID::Tiny is up to date. (1.04)
DateTime::Format::MySQL is up to date. (0.06)
DBIx::Class::TimeStamp is up to date. (0.14)
JSON::XS is up to date. (4.03)
JSON is up to date. (4.02)
Config::JSON is up to date. (1.5202)
Starman is up to date. (0.4015)
JSON::RPC::Dispatcher is up to date. (0.0508)
Log::Any::Adapter is up to date. (1.708)
Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl is up to date. (0.09)
String::Random is up to date. (0.31)
List::Util::WeightedChoice is up to date. (0.06)
List::Util is up to date. (1.55)
List::MoreUtils is up to date. (0.430)
DateTime is up to date. (1.53)
Regexp::Common is up to date. (2017060201)
Pod::Simple::HTML is up to date. (3.42)
skipping X/XS/XSAWYERX/perl-5.32.0.tar.gz
DateTime::Format::Duration is up to date. (1.04)
XML::FeedPP is up to date. (0.95)
! Finding SOAP::Amazon::S3 on cpanmetadb failed.
SOAP::Amazon::S3 is up to date. (0.0401)
--> Working on DBD::mysql
Fetching ... OK
Configuring DBD-mysql-4.050 ... N/A
! Configure failed for DBD-mysql-4.050. See /root/.cpanm/work/1605826204.21682/build.log for details.
DBIx::Class is up to date. (0.082842)
JSON::Any is up to date. (1.39)
DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer is up to date. (0.09)
DBIx::Class::DynamicSubclass is up to date. (0.04)
Memcached::libmemcached is up to date. (1.001801)
Server::Starter is up to date. (0.35)
IO::Socket::SSL is up to date. (2.068)
Net::Server::SS::PreFork is up to date. (0.05)
Email::Stuff is up to date. (2.105)
Facebook::Graph is up to date. (1.1205)
File::Path is up to date. (2.18)
namespace::autoclean is up to date. (0.29)
communityus commented 3 years ago
--verbose memcached

//mysql first needs mysql_config

sudo /usr/src/cpanm --verbose DBD::mysql

/etc/mysql (it finds my.cnf)