comodoro / FractalZoo

Open source Android fractal application
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 15 forks source link

MainActivity - separated some of the code in their own functions #17

Closed TermanEmil closed 5 years ago

TermanEmil commented 5 years ago

"But no pull requests just for the sake of pretty code.": I'm sorry. Feel free to decline this pull request.

Added functions:

Fractal getLastFractal();
void initAvailableViews();
static String[] readFractalMetadata(Context context);

Added constants

String DEFAULT_FRACTAL_NAME = "Mandelbrot"; // Maybe it's better to put it in res/values

Added external libraries

Butterknife - a nice view binding utility

ProgressBar progressBar;

I also had to update the gradle - nothing important.

TermanEmil commented 5 years ago


comodoro commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the late reply and thank you for the pull request. I was in the hospital for a long time. I will try to review the pull request as soon as possible.