comotion / security.vcl

protect your websites with varnish rules
GNU General Public License v2.0
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php.vcl breaks timthumb.php #22

Open missilefish opened 11 years ago

missilefish commented 11 years ago

Hi All,

This is my first and seemingly only issue I have with this terrific Varnish addition you all have developed. I'd like to find a way to include some kind of exclusion for what timthumb.php would need to run, it is very common with Wordpress themes. My only solution today (terrible with regex) is to comment out that one section below in the php.vcl security module.


Any suggestions on crafting something awesome to handle this circumstance? Or a variable to set maybe that would allow certain external sources to be named/blessed, like an ACL?

From php.vcl (lines 133-140):

Generic check for remote code inclusion from external sites

    if (req.url ~ "=?(https?|ftps?|php)://") {
           set req.http.X-SEC-RuleName = "Remote site in URL parameter";
           set req.http.X-SEC-RuleId   = "100";
           set req.http.X-SEC-RuleInfo = "Generic check for remote code inclusion from external sites";
           call sec_php_sev1;
sz00gun commented 9 years ago

any solution so far to fix this problem? I have the same problem...

jhmartin commented 9 years ago

You could make that if (req.url ~ "=?(https?|ftps?|php)://" && ! req.url ~ "timthumb.php") {