comp-think / 2019-2020

The GitHub repository containing all the material related to the Computational Thinking and Programming course of the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge degree at the University of Bologna (a.a. 2019/2020).
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Lecture "Computability", exercise 3 #15

Open essepuntato opened 4 years ago

essepuntato commented 4 years ago

Consider an algorithm that takes as input a 0-1 sequence of exactly five symbols, and returns a 1 if the sequence contains at least three 1s in any order, and returns a 0 otherwise. Implement the algorithm with a Turing machine, where the cell correspondent to the starting position of the head is where the final result must be stored. Also, the five cells following the starting position of the head are initialised with the 0-1 sequence of five symbols used as input of the algorithm.

essepuntato commented 4 years ago

Hi guys,

Here is my solution, that can be run in the Turing Machine Visualisation Tool, if you want to see what happens.

input: '010001'
blank: '0'
start state: start
    0: { write: 1, R: pn }
    0: { write: 0, R: p0 }
    1: { write: 0, R: p1 }
    0: { write: 0, R: p00 }
    1: { write: 0, R: p01 }
    0: { write: 0, R: p01 }
    1: { write: 0, R: p11 }
    0: { write: 0, L: fail }
    1: { write: 0, R: p001 }
    0: { write: 0, R: p001 }
    1: { write: 0, R: p011 }
    0: { write: 0, R: p011 }
    1: { write: 0, L: stop }
    0: { write: 0, L: fail }
    1: { write: 0, R: p0011 }
    0: { write: 0, R: p0011 }
    1: { write: 0, L: stop }
    0: { write: 0, L: fail }
    1: { write: 0, L: stop }
    0: { write: 0, L: fail }
    1: { write: 0, L: stop }