comp-think / 2019-2020

The GitHub repository containing all the material related to the Computational Thinking and Programming course of the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge degree at the University of Bologna (a.a. 2019/2020).
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Lecture "Introduction to Computational Thinking", exercise 3 #3

Open essepuntato opened 4 years ago

essepuntato commented 4 years ago

Write down two objects or situations that are referring to the same pattern if analysed from an abstract point of view, as introduced in Section "Abstraction is the key". What features do they have in common?

NoonShin commented 4 years ago

A zebra and a giraffe are both mammals, and in a broader abstraction, animals. However different they might be in many details, there are essential qualities that they have in common with each other and other mammals/animals (similar organs, body hair, reproductive systems, etc.).

arcangelo7 commented 4 years ago

An electrified mosquito racket and a tennis racket are both equipped with frames, handles and a net of strings.

ariele-santello commented 4 years ago

A tire and a donut. They are both round and with a hole in the middle.

morinigiu commented 4 years ago

A ring and a key ring: they are round, thin, with a hole in the middle and can be made of the same material

aschimmenti commented 4 years ago

Neurons and dendrites have the same growth pattern of trees and branches

arimuti commented 4 years ago

A big shopping mall and Amazon are both places (virtual or physical) that you visit when you want to take a look at products or when you want to buy them, in both places you can choose from a huge variety of products, both have a warehouse and in both cases, the majority of the products sold are the same everywhere in the world.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Morse code and a letter are both forms of communication.

elisasilvad commented 4 years ago

A mountain and a stair: in both cases you can climb or go down

a809 commented 4 years ago

Walking and taking a bus are both forms of movement. In both cases the subject changes his position in space from a point A to a point B.

virginiaciambriello commented 4 years ago

A person talking to a friend and a teacher talking to her students. Situations are different but the act of talking is common.

FrancescoFernicola commented 4 years ago

A physicist solving complex equations on the chalkboard and an interpreter sketching symbols while Trump is holding a speech. Both of them are forms of writing.

marcograsso commented 4 years ago

The act of writing in Arabic and in Hebrew: the writer moves his hand from left to right and uses a non-Latin alphabet.

ariannamorettj commented 4 years ago

A musical scale and a staircase. In both cases the processes of going up and down imply a specific and ordered disposition - of notes in the first case, of steps in the second.