comp-think / 2021-2022

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Lecture "Brute-force argorithms", exercise 2 #18

Open essepuntato opened 2 years ago

essepuntato commented 2 years ago

Create a test case for the algorithm introduced in Listing 2.

ManuSrivastava1 commented 2 years ago

To test the algorithm introduced in Listing 2, I have found 2 different approaches. My first approach is based upon the "First In Last Out" principle of the stacks and the second approach is a much more rigorous element-by-element comparison of input and the output stacks.

first approach

def test_stack_from_list(input_list,output_stack,expected):
    x = len(input_list)
    x -= 1
    y = output_stack.pop()
    if input_list[x]==y and expected==True:
        print("Function works")
        print("Function has some problem")

You can see the code in action here second approach

def test_stack_from_list(input_list,output_stack,expected):
    x = len(input_list)
    y= 0
    while y <= x-1:
        if input_list[y]==output_stack[y]:
            y += 1
            return False

You can see the code in action here

RebeccaJillianBeattie commented 2 years ago


chloeppd commented 2 years ago
Screenshot 2021-10-31 at 8 17 59 PM
federicabonifazi commented 2 years ago
def test_stack_from_list (input_list, expected):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if expected == result:
       return True
        return False
from collections import deque
def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque()
    # Iterate each element in the input list and add it to the stack
    for item in input_list:
    return output_stack
print(test_stack_from_list(["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione", "Hagrid"], deque(["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione", "Hagrid"])))


CarmenSantaniello commented 2 years ago
from collections import deque

def test_stack_from_list(input_list, expected):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

my_list = ["Gryffindor", "Hufflepuff", "Ravenclaw", "Slytherin"]

def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque()  

    for item in input_list:
    return output_stack

print(test_stack_from_list(my_list, deque(["Gryffindor", "Hufflepuff", "Ravenclaw", "Slytherin"])))

It returns:

deque(['Gryffindor', 'Hufflepuff', 'Ravenclaw', 'Slytherin'])
olgagolgan commented 2 years ago

image image

MaddaGh commented 2 years ago

ex2 test stack from list

tommasobattisti commented 2 years ago
from collections import deque

def test_stack_from_list(input_list, expected):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if result == expected:
        return True
        return False

def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque()
    for item in input_list:
    return output_stack

print(test_stack_from_list(['a', 'b', 'c'], deque(['a', 'b', 'c'])))
print(test_stack_from_list([1, 5, 7, 9, 2, 3], deque([1, 5, 7, 9, 2, 3])))
martasoricetti commented 2 years ago


ManueleVeggi commented 2 years ago
from collections import deque

def test_stack_from_list(input_list, expected_stack):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if result == expected_stack:
        return True
        return False

def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque() # the stack to create
    # Iterate each element in the input list and add it to the stack 
    for item in input_list:
    return output_stack

#Test 1        
stack_alfa = deque(["Saba", "Montale", "Caproni", "Penna"]) #Create the expected stack
list_alfa = list(["Saba", "Montale", "Caproni", "Penna"])   #Create the expected test input list
print(test_stack_from_list(list_alfa, stack_alfa))          #Execute the test. Expect: T

#Test 2
stack_beta = deque(["Saba", "Montale", "Caproni", "Penna"]) #Create the expected stack
list_beta = list(["Saba", "Montale", "Caproni", "Moravia"]) #Create the expected test input list
print(test_stack_from_list(list_beta, stack_beta))          #Execute the test. Expect: F

If we execute the code, the result is True for Test 1 and False for Test 2: as a consequence, the code should be correct

OrsolaMBorrini commented 2 years ago
def test_stack_from_list(input_list, expected):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if result == expected:
        return True
        return False

from collections import deque

def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque()
    for item in input_list:
    return output_stack

#First test
example_list1 = list(["A","B","D","C"])
expected_stack1 = deque(["A","B","D","C"])
print(test_stack_from_list(example_list1, expected_stack1)) #Returns True

#Second test
example_list2 = list([1,4,8,0,-12])
expected_stack2 = deque([4,8,1,-12])
print(test_stack_from_list(example_list2,expected_stack2)) #Returns False
NoraPs commented 2 years ago


katya-avem commented 2 years ago


AnastasiyaSopyryaeva commented 2 years ago


from collections import deque
def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque()

    for item in input_list:
    return output_stack

def testing(input_list, expected):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if result == expected:
        return True
        return False

print(testing([0, 1, 2], deque([0, 1, 2]))) #the test returns True

angstigone commented 2 years ago
Schermata 2021-11-01 alle 18 42 00
elizastuglik commented 2 years ago

from collections import deque

def test_stack_from_list(input_list, expected) result = stack_from_list(input_list) if result == expected return True else: return False
Def stack_from_list(input_list): output_stack = deque() for item in input_list: output_stack.append(item) return output_stack

print(test_stack_from_list(list[12, 13, 14, 15], deque([12, 13, 14, 15])))

Bianca-LM commented 2 years ago
def test_stack_from_list(input_list, expected): 
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if expected == result: 
        return True
        return False

from collections import deque

def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque()
    for item in input_list: 
    return output_stack

print (test_stack_from_list(["0", "1", "2", "3"], ["0", "1", "2", "3"]))
essepuntato commented 2 years ago

Hi @ManuSrivastava1,

Please, go back to see how the template of the test works, since you are specifying too many parameters to the testing function. You have made things a little more complicated for a user perspective.

AmeliaLamargese commented 2 years ago
from collections import deque

test_stack_from_list(input_list, expected):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if result == expected:
        return True
        return False

def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque() 

    for item in input_list:

print(test_stack_from_list([1, 2, 3], deque([1, 2, 3])))
print(test_stack_from_list([1, "hello", 3], deque([1, "hello", 3])))
print(test_stack_from_list(["hello", "ciao"], deque(["hello", "ciao"])))
print(test_stack_from_list([], deque()))
sanyuezoe commented 2 years ago
from collections import deque

def test_stack_from_list(input_list, expected):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque()
    for item in input_list:
    return output_stack

print(test_stack_from_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], deque([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])))
print(test_stack_from_list(["Alice", "Catherine", "Bob", "Charles"], deque(["Alice", "Catherine", "Bob", "Charles"])))
print(test_stack_from_list(["Ron", "Harry", "Hermione", 25, 4], deque(["Ron", "Harry", "Hermione", 25, 4])))
teragramgius commented 2 years ago
from collections import deque

def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque()

    for item in input_list:
    return output_stack

def test(input_list, expected):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if result == expected:
        return True
        return False

print (test(["a", "3", "c"]), deque(["a", "3", "c"])))
sarabecchi commented 2 years ago
from collections import deque

def stack_from_list(input_list):
    output_stack = deque()

    for item in input_list:
    return output_stack

def test_stack_from_list(input_list, expected):
    result = stack_from_list(input_list)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

print(test_stack_from_list(["a", "b", "c"], deque(["a", "b", "c"])))
print(test_stack_from_list([1, 2, 3], deque([1, 2, 3])))
print(test_stack_from_list([], deque([])))
print(test_stack_from_list(["a", "a", "a"], deque(["a", "a", "a"])))
print(test_stack_from_list([1, 1, 1], deque([1, 1, 1])))