comp-think / 2021-2022

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Lecture "Divide and conquer algorithms", exercise 1 #28

Open essepuntato opened 2 years ago

essepuntato commented 2 years ago

Implement the binary search algorithm in Python – i.e. the recursive function def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end). It takes an item to search (i.e. item), an ordered list and a starting and ending positions in the list as input. It returns the position of item in the list if it is in it and None otherwise. The binary search first checks if the middle item of the list between start and end (included) is equal to item, and returns its position in this case. Otherwise, if the central item is less than item, the algorithm continues the search in the part of the list that follows the middle item. Instead, if the central item is greater than item, the algorithm continues the search in the part of the list preceding the central item. Accompany the implementation of the function with the appropriate test cases. As supporting material, Fekete and Morr released a nonverbal definition of the algorithm [Fekete, Morr, 2018a], which is useful to understand the rationale of the binary search steps.

Postitisnt commented 2 years ago
def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    if len(ordered_list) == 1:
        return ordered_list.index(item)
        #the +1 is intended to include the last index reference of the end
        insideTheList = ordered_list[start : end +1] 
        length = len(insideTheList)
        mid = length // 2
        newMid = ordered_list.index(insideTheList[mid])
        if item in insideTheList:
            if item == insideTheList[mid]:
                return ordered_list.index(item)
            elif item > insideTheList[mid]:
                return binary_search(item, ordered_list, newMid, end)
            elif item < insideTheList[mid]:
                return binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, newMid-1)
            return None

def testCase(item, inputList, start, end, expected):
    if binary_search(item, inputList, start, end) == expected:
        print("The result is correct!")
        return True
        return False
        print("Try again")

#      0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
li = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i'] #len = 9
#mid = 4  sta  i      mid     end     

item1 = 'c'
startingPoint1 = 1
endingPoint1 = 7
#expected = 1
print("Test 1 ------->",testCase(item1, li, startingPoint1, endingPoint1, 2))

item2 = 'g'
startingPoint2 = 2
endingPoint2 = 8
#expected = 6
print("Test 2 ------->", testCase(item2, li, startingPoint2, endingPoint2, 6))

item3 = 'c'
startingPoint3 = 0
endingPoint3 = 5
#expected = 2
print("Test 3 ------->", testCase(item3, li, startingPoint3, endingPoint3, 2))

item4 = 'y'
startingPoint4 = 1
endingPoint4 = 6
#expected = None
print("Test 4 ------->", testCase(item4, li, startingPoint4, endingPoint4, None))
tommasobattisti commented 2 years ago
def test_binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected):
    result = binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

binary_search_list = ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l']

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    mid = (start + end) // 2
    if start > end:
        return None
        if item == ordered_list[mid]:
            return mid
        elif item < ordered_list[mid]:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, mid-1)
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, mid+1, end)

print(test_binary_search('a', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, None))
print(test_binary_search('b', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 0))
print(test_binary_search('c', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 1))
print(test_binary_search('d', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 2))
print(test_binary_search('e', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 3))
print(test_binary_search('f', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 4))
print(test_binary_search('g', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 5))
print(test_binary_search('h', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 6))
print(test_binary_search('i', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 7))
print(test_binary_search('j', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 8))
print(test_binary_search('k', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 9))
print(test_binary_search('l', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, 10))
print(test_binary_search('s', binary_search_list, 0, len(binary_search_list)-1, None))
MaddaGh commented 2 years ago

This solution seems to work but it feels way to complicated to be the right one, I tried a simpler solution before but, even it it seemed to work well when working on the left side of the list, I couldn't get the right index when it worked on the right side of the list. I proceeded trying to solve this issue and this is where I ended up.

def test_binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected):
    result = binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    lenght = len(ordered_list)    
    mid = lenght//2
    index = mid-1
    if lenght == 1 and item != ordered_list[index]:    
        return None     
    if start == end:
        return end
    elif item == ordered_list[index]:
        return start+index               
    elif  item > ordered_list[index]:
        start = start+mid
        return binary_search(item, ordered_list[mid:lenght],start, end)
        end = index
        return binary_search(item, ordered_list[start:mid], start, end)

print(test_binary_search("moscow mule", ["americano", "bellini", "dry martini", "gin tonic", "long island", "moscow mule"], 0, 5, 5))
print(test_binary_search("white russian", ["americano", "bellini", "dry martini", "gin tonic", "long island", "moscow mule"], 0, 6, None))
print(test_binary_search(5, [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 25, 34, 56], 0, 11, 3))
print(test_binary_search("ciliega", ["arancia", "anguria", "banana", "ciliega", "kiwi", "mango", "mela", "mirtillo", "papaya", "pera"], 0, 9, 3))
print(test_binary_search("mirtillo", ["arancia", "anguria", "banana", "ciliega", "kiwi", "mango", "mela", "mirtillo", "papaya", "pera"], 0, 9, 7))
ManueleVeggi commented 2 years ago
def test_binsearch(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected):
    result = binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if result == expected:
        return True
        return False

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    if end > start and len(ordered_list) > 0:
        mid_index = (start+end)//2
        mid_item  = ordered_list[mid_index]
        if  item == mid_item:
            return mid_index
        elif item < mid_item:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, mid_index)
        elif item > mid_item:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, mid_index, end)
            return None

l = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

print(test_binsearch(7, l, 5, 9, 7))
print(test_binsearch(6, l, 5, 9, 6))
print(test_binsearch(8, l, 5, 9, 8))
print(test_binsearch(4, l, 5, 9, None))

The result is

RebeccaJillianBeattie commented 2 years ago

binary search function

CarmenSantaniello commented 2 years ago
def test_binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected):
    result = binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    if end > start and len(ordered_list) > 0:  
        mid_index = (start+end) // 2
        mid_item = ordered_list[mid_index]
        if mid_item == item:
            return mid_index
        elif mid_item < item:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, mid_index, end)
        elif mid_item > item:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, mid_index)
            return None

print(test_binary_search(2,[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 0, 4, 2))
print(test_binary_search(8,[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 5, 9, 8))
print(test_binary_search(3,[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 5, 9, None))
print(test_binary_search("Bulbasaur", ["Abra", "Bulbasaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Squirtle", "Butterfree", "Weedle", "Chikorita", "Charmeleon", "Psyduck"],0,3,1))
print(test_binary_search("Weedle", ["Abra", "Bulbasaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Squirtle", "Butterfree", "Weedle", "Chikorita", "Charmeleon", "Psyduck"],3,9,6))
print(test_binary_search("Alakazam", ["Abra", "Bulbasaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Squirtle", "Butterfree", "Weedle", "Chikorita", "Charmeleon", "Psyduck"],3,9,None))

It returns:

ghasempouri1984 commented 2 years ago
def test_binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected):
    result = binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    if len(ordered_list) > 0 and start <= end:
        mid = (start + end) // 2
        if item == ordered_list[mid]:
            return mid
        if item < ordered_list[mid]:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, mid-1)
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, mid+1, end)

print(test_binary_search("N", [], 0, 0, None))
print(test_binary_search(4, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 0, 3, 3))
print(test_binary_search(4, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 0, 6, 3))
print(test_binary_search("d", ["A", "B", "C", "Cd", "ha"], 0, 3, None))
print(test_binary_search("V", ["V", "W", "Z"], 0, 2, 0))
chloeppd commented 2 years ago

def test_binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected):
    result = binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    len_of_positions = start+end  

    mid_of_list = len_of_positions // 2
    if item  in ordered_list:

        if item == ordered_list[mid_of_list]:
            return ordered_list.index(item)

        elif item > ordered_list[mid_of_list]:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, mid_of_list, end+1)

        elif item<ordered_list[mid_of_list]:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, mid_of_list-1)  

    else: return None

list= ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

print(test_binary_search("a", list, 0, 5, 0))
print(test_binary_search("g", list, 0, 5, None))
print(test_binary_search("c", list, 0, 1, 2))
print(test_binary_search("f", list, 0, 5, 5))
Bianca-LM commented 2 years ago
def test_binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected): 
    result = binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if result == expected: 
        return True
        return False

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    position = 0
if len(ordered_list[start:end]) < 1:
    return None
elif len(ordered_list[start:end]) <= 1: 
        if item == ordered_list[0]: 
            return position
            return None
    elif len(ordered_list) > 1: 
        mid = len(ordered_list[start:end]) // 2 
        position = mid
        if item == ordered_list[mid]: 
            return mid
            ordered_list_left = ordered_list[start:mid-1]
            ordered_list_right = ordered_list[mid:end+1]
            if item < ordered_list[mid]: 
                binary_search(item, ordered_list_left, start, end)
            elif item > ordered_list[mid]: 
                binary_search(item, ordered_list_right, start, end)
                return (position+1) + mid

print(test_binary_search(5, [1, 3, 4, 6 , 7, 8, 10, 21], 0, 7, None))
print(test_binary_search(6, [1, 3, 4, 6 , 7, 8, 10, 21], 0, 7, 3))
print(test_binary_search(21, [1, 3, 4, 6 , 7, 8, 10, 21], 0, 7, 7))
print(test_binary_search(21, [], 0, 7, None))
print(test_binary_search(1, [1], 0, 0, None))
federicabonifazi commented 2 years ago
first_test=[2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16]
second_test=["american god", "coraline", "good omens",  "neverwhere"]
def test_binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected):
    result=binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if result==expected:
        return True
        return False

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    if item not in ordered_list:
        return None
    elif len(ordered_list) == 1:
        if item in ordered_list:
            return ordered_list.index(item)
    elif len(ordered_list)>1:
        mid = len(ordered_list) // 2
        mid_item = ordered_list[mid]
        if item == mid_item:
            return mid
            if mid_item < item:
                right_list = []
                binary_search(item, right_list, mid, end+1)
                return right_list.index(item) + mid
                left_list = []
                left_list = ordered_list[:mid+1]
                binary_search(item, left_list, start, mid+1)
                return left_list.index(item)

print(test_binary_search(8, first_test, 0, 7, 3 ))
print(test_binary_search(12, first_test, 0, 7, 5))
print(test_binary_search(21, first_test, 0, 7, None))
print(test_binary_search("good omens", second_test, 0, 4, 2))
olgagolgan commented 2 years ago

Screenshot (61) Screenshot (60)

angstigone commented 2 years ago
Schermata 2021-11-30 alle 16 25 59 Schermata 2021-11-30 alle 16 26 07
AmeliaLamargese commented 2 years ago
def test_binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected):
    result = binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if result == expected:
        return True
        return False    

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    if end > start and len(ordered_list) > 0:    
        mid = (start+end) // 2
        middle_item = ordered_list[mid]
        if item == middle_item:
            return mid
        elif item > middle_item:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, middle_item+1, end)
        elif item < middle_item:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, middle_item-1)    

test_binary_search("ciao", ["hello", "ciao", "salut"], 0, 2, 1)
test_binary_search( 5, [2, 3, 5, 7, 9], 0, 4, 2)
test_binary_search( 5, [2, 3, 5, 7, 9], 0, 1, None)
test_binary_search( 6, [2, 3, 5, 7, 9], 0, 4, None)
essepuntato commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

A few suggestions and tests you should try on your code:

teragramgius commented 2 years ago

Following the non-verbal definition of the "binary search" algorithm provided by Fekete and Morr, at first, I was tempted to create a sublist, but then I discovered thet it could be more useful to change the mid value time by time (i.e. with the recursive operations), so I attached as mantra the suggestion of professor Peroni.

Let's dive in the exercise.

BASE-CASE The input item corresponds to the mid item of the ordered_list

DIVIDE If the base case doesn't happen, then we have to change the middle value, according to the fact that the value of the previous mid is greater of lower then the value we're searching for (i.e. item)

CONQUER Run the same algorithm recursively on these two amounts of input

COMBINE The values are combined to provide the final solution

# 1. An item to search for in the sorted_list
# 2. The sorted list
# 3. The starting value of the sorted_list
# 4. The ending value of the sorted_list

#output:  Returns the position of item in the list if it is in it and None otherwise.  

Answer: running the binary_search("e", ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], 0, 4), it returns 4.

Binary search_1 Binary search_2

sanyuezoe commented 2 years ago
def binary_search_test(item, ordered_list, start, end, expected):
    result = binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end):
    len_list = len(ordered_list)
    mid = (start + end) // 2
    if item not in ordered_list:
        return None
    if len_list == 1 and ordered_list[0] == item:
        return ordered_list.index(item)
    elif len_list > 1:
        if ordered_list[mid] == item:
            return mid
        elif ordered_list[mid] > item:
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list[start:mid], start, mid)
            return binary_search(item, ordered_list[mid:end], mid, end)

print(binary_search_test(4, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 0, 9, 4))
print(binary_search_test('你好', ['今天', '你好', '天气', '很好', '我好困'], 0, 4, 1))
print(binary_search_test('fvdsf', [0,5, 645, 7842216, 45], 0, 4, None))
print(binary_search_test('dog', [51, 'cat', 'dog', 346, 482], 0, 4, 2))