comp-think / 2022-2023

The GitHub repository containing all the material related to the Computational Thinking and Programming course of the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge degree at the University of Bologna (a.a. 2022/2023).
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Lecture "Introduction to Computational Thinking", exercise 3 #3

Open essepuntato opened 1 year ago

essepuntato commented 1 year ago

Write down two objects or situations that refer to the same pattern if analysed from an abstract point of view, as introduced in Section "Abstraction is the key". What features do they have in common?

SalvatoreDiMarzo commented 1 year ago

Going to the bank; Going to a bakery; You go to each of these places because you require something; you wait in line; you ask for the desired item to the person in charge; you exchange either information or money; you receive the item that you desired.

delete4ever commented 1 year ago

An elevator& An autobus; They both depart from a starting point and arrive in a destination, and the destination is a new starting point; During their movement, they transport objects inside them and stop temporarily, and they make sound for their arrival; They run on energies; They have spaces relatively separated from the outside.

vattelalberto commented 1 year ago

Drinking a cold beer and using a bath tub They both...

n1kg0r commented 1 year ago

Building a Lego set / assembling an Ikea wardrobe, involving:

alka2696 commented 1 year ago

Going from a bus and a train:

  1. Both have a starting point and a destination.
  2. Stops temporarily at many points.
  3. You pay to travel.
  4. They both have passengers.
  5. Both are public transportation.
irematmar commented 1 year ago

Learning a natural language/ Learning a programming language

corrado877 commented 1 year ago

First situation: inserting the password of an email account.

Second situation: digiting the pin of your credit card.

Both situations have in common:

EricaAndreose commented 1 year ago

Take a university exam / Take a medical examination

AmirAliyan74 commented 1 year ago

Painting / Cooking 1- Both need special materials and instruments. 2- Both need to spend a priod of time to be done! 3- You don't need to have academic knowledge necessarily to do them. They can be learnt by trial and error method. 4- The result would be pleasurable if all things are on point and measured! 5- Creativity is a very effective factor in both of them.

falaimo99 commented 1 year ago

Speaking / Playing an instrument 1 Both involve producing a modulated sound 2 Both evoke a vast array of emotions 3 Both can involve making some chords vibe 4 Both use air as vehicle to transmit their sound 5 You can practice and get better 6 Doing it alone, in front of people you know and in front of a crowd feel different and can affect your performance 7 Both in order to "make sense" have to follow a "grammar" that can generate a lot of outcomes

eugeniavd commented 1 year ago

Cat sleeping on the sofa. Baby sleeping in the bed. Two subjects do the same action at the same setting with the same purpose.

Man cooking pasta at the kitchen. Chef cooking pasta at the restaurant. Common features: the same action and setting, maybe a kind of same clothes, like backsplash, same dish, same result of the action, probably the same period of the day (if they are in Italy where people have strict rules for the eating time)

matteo-guenci commented 1 year ago

To study and to do sports: