comp-think / 2023-2024

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Exercise 3: Character Combination #37

Open arcangelo7 opened 6 months ago

arcangelo7 commented 6 months ago

Develop a function def combine_characters(string1, string2) that alternately combines the characters of two strings. If one string is longer, the remaining characters should be added to the end of the result.

combine_characters("abc", "1234")
# a1b2c34
FranciscoWu commented 6 months ago

def combine_characters(string1, string2):
    combined_string = ""
    longest_string = max([string1,string2],key = len)
    shortest_string = min([string1,string2], key = len)
    i = 0
    while i < len(shortest_string):
        combined_string += string1[i]
        combined_string += string2[i]
        i += 1
    combined_string += longest_string[len(shortest_string):]
    return combined_string

if __name__ == "__main__":
    string1 = "Thinking"
    string2 = "Compuational"
    print(combine_characters(string1, string2))
rufferbaraldi commented 6 months ago
string1 = "789"
string2 = "12345"

def combine_characters(string1, string2):
    combined_result = ""
    len1 = len(string1)
    len2 = len(string2)

    if len1 >= len2:
        max_len = len1
        max_len = len2

    for i in range(max_len):
        if i < len1:
            combined_result += string1[i]
        if i < len2:
            combined_result += string2[i]
    return combined_result

print(combine_characters(string1, string2))
enricabruno commented 6 months ago
def combine_characters(string1, string2):
    combined = ''
    i, j = 0, 0

    while i < len(string1) and j < len(string2):
        combined += string1[i] + string2[j]
        i += 1
        j += 1

    combined += string1[i:] + string2[j:]

    return combined

print(combine_characters("abc", "12345"))
MariaFrancesca6 commented 6 months ago
def combine_characters(str1, str2):
    result = list()
    i = 0
    j = 0
    while i < len(str1) and j < len(str2):
        i += 1
        j += 1
    result.extend(str1[i:] + str2[j:])
    return "".join(result)

qwindici commented 6 months ago
def combine_characters(string1, string2):
    long = string1 if len(string1) > len(string2) else string2
    short = string1 if long == string2 else string2
    result = ""
    for i in range(len(short + long)):
        if i < len(short):
            result += short[i]
        if i < len(long):
            result += long[i]

    return "".join(result)
valetedd commented 6 months ago
def combine_characters(string1, string2):
    combined_string = ""
    if len(string1) > len(string2):
        longer = len(string1)
        longer = len(string2)

    for i in range(longer + 1):
        if i <= len(string1) - 1:
            combined_string += string1[i]
        if i <= len(string2) - 1:
            combined_string += string2[i]

    return combined_string