comp380team3 / PuzzlePathDimension

Class project for COMP 380 at California State University, Northridge
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Level Editor #48

Closed bmarroquin closed 11 years ago

bmarroquin commented 11 years ago
  1. Added 3 new classes to make the level editor work
    • GameEditorScreen
      • To launch the GameplayScreen from the editor hit enter
      • To launch the tool box right click
    • ToolboxScreen
    • IlevelObject.
  2. Made Some changes to classes
    • GamePlayScreen has a new constructor
    • Simulation constructor does not automatically initialize the body. GameplayScreen calls that method.
    • Level Status Screen launched the game editor
    • Added movement methods to every level object class that can move.
  3. Things that still need to be done:
    • Move the Launcher
    • Limit the Platforms that can be added
    • Add more platforms to the Toolbox, or populate depending on level
    • Add goal, deathtrap and tool box
    • Prevent GameplayScreen from launching if there is no goal.
    • Level saving.
    • depending on template limit which objects can be moved.

I know i have more to do but i wanted to submit something by Friday night.

Twisol commented 11 years ago

Hey Brian,

The changes look good, but can you please rebase your branch from master? (If you're not sure how to rebase, you can merge master instead.) You're missing the second half of the changes from Spring Break.

bmarroquin commented 11 years ago

I did the merge through the program on my computer. Do i resubmit the pull request, it still says i am in sync.

Twisol commented 11 years ago

I'm not entirely familiar with the GitHub GUI program, so I don't know what options it gives you. The master branch might be up-to-date on your computer, but the brian-editor branch itself probably hasn't been updated relative to master. Click the Tools button and select "Open a shell here", then type in the following commands.

# First make sure your local repository is up-to-date
git fetch origin

# Make sure you're on the right branch
git checkout brian-editor

# Do the merge
git merge origin/master

It should tell you that there are merge conflicts. It looks like our change-sets are pretty much disjoint, so you shouldn't have much trouble resolving the conflicts. The only file that seems to be affected is the Visual Studio project file, so you can just open that in WordPad.

When you're done, just commit and push your changes to the same branch. GitHub is smart enough to track this branch and update the pull request automatically.

bmarroquin commented 11 years ago

Did the 3 commands, it states i am up too date and no conflicts. I made a tiny change and committed that to see if anything happened

bmarroquin commented 11 years ago

Ahhh i see what i did wrong im on it

Twisol commented 11 years ago

Great, thanks! Merged.

Twisol commented 11 years ago

Hey, just FYI - when you did the merge, two bugs were introduced:

Not blaming you! Just a heads-up for things to look out for next time. The compiler can't catch all the changes we make in our branches. :smile_cat:

I went ahead and pushed the fixes to master.