comp380team3 / PuzzlePathDimension

Class project for COMP 380 at California State University, Northridge
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Top-level component architecture #73

Closed Twisol closed 11 years ago

Twisol commented 11 years ago

I redesigned the application's top-level architecture (i.e. the early stages of input and rendering) to decouple the data (the screen list, the virtual controller) from the processes that manipulate them. This kind of separation is a core principle of the Data-Context-Interaction pattern.

There are also a couple of bugfixes included in this patch. For example, the LevelSelectScreen would previously push a new copy of the MainMenuScreen onto the scene, rather than reusing the old one. This could theoretically (if you went between the level selection and the main menu enough) cause an out-of-memory situation. In addition, the toolbox is now removed through ExitScreen, rather than affecting the scene directly.

Jjp137 commented 11 years ago

It seems to work with both the keyboard+mouse and the controller. :)

Twisol commented 11 years ago

Just to clarify what my major changes here are (because I forgot to write that in the first place):

I conceptually pushed both the Scene and the VirtualController into the model, and created (or adapted) high-level components that update these models during the game loop. The various game screens use the events and data provided by these models to react to game events, which decouples the game from the lower-level details of the game loop.

This separation isn't complete, but it's there to a greater degree than previously. Some of the complexity has been pushed into the GameScreen class; most notably, the controller manages a set of input hooks that are triggered when the controller model is updated. Additionally, a "TopLevelModel" model has been created to encapsulate some of the top-level state required by the game. This should be minimized as much as possible, and it should be passed around as little as possible; its widespread use through the GameScreens should be considered a code smell.

Future work: