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Clarification needed: Cannot access bash terminal is wsl #24

Closed andrewyang24 closed 2 years ago

andrewyang24 commented 2 years ago

If there is something that seems off in the instructions , go through this checklist:

  1. [ ] Is there an error in the text?
    • If yes, go to #2.
    • If no, go to #3.
  2. [ ] Did you create a pull request with a correction for the error?
    • If yes, then don't create an issue.
    • If no, then create a pull request with a suggested correction.
  3. [ ] Did you read any documentation related to the thing that needs clarifying?
  4. [ ] Did you Google the thing that needs clarifying?
  5. [ ] Did you search or read through the other issues on this repo to make sure there isn't already a related issue?

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URL of file with confusing thing

Line number of confusing thing

  1. You can install most everything you need all at once: $ sudo apt install vim git curl

What is confusing?

After installing wsl and entering the wsl environment, I unable to proceed with the rest of the onboarding steps. I checked that I installed it with administrative privileges, and I went through the ubuntu login process. The error shows: bash: sudo: command not found


What do you think the confusing thing means?

I believe I am logged in as the root user, but I'm trying to get to bash ($). I'm unsure how to do so and I couldn't find any solutions online that have worked.

jdmar3 commented 2 years ago

If you run wsl in your windows shell/powershell, then you are automatically using Bash because that is the shell for your Linux environment. If you want to see what shell the current user is assigned run echo $SHELL. It looks like you may not have created a non-root user. In the WSL install tutorials that are linked from the assignment it walks you through creating a regular user.