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Implemented Lifecycle Policy for ClickStreaming - Needs Reviewing #87

Closed evangeline-endacott closed 3 years ago

evangeline-endacott commented 3 years ago

So I am pretty sure that I have successfully implemented the Clickstream LifeCycle. Although because we have versioning enabled I could be possible that we need to change the expiration rule to NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays. Have a look and let me know what you think.

mrJTY commented 3 years ago

So I am pretty sure that I have successfully implemented the Clickstream LifeCycle. Although because we have versioning enabled I could be possible that we need to change the expiration rule to NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays. Have a look and let me know what you think.

Not sure why we had versioning on the first place (maybe it is from the original mythical mysfits templates).

Feel free to turn off versioning or have that expiration rule, I'm good not having versioning anyway, I don't see a reason why click stream needs it.