compact / angular-bootstrap-lightbox

An AngularJS lightbox built using UI Bootstrap Modal.
MIT License
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Define a custom controller for the lightbox #8

Closed fernandojsg closed 9 years ago

fernandojsg commented 9 years ago

I've took your starting example and tried to achive the following: Modify the lightbox.html to include a button to perform a custom action in the main controller.

So far I've done the following:

angular.module('app').controller('GalleryCtrl', function ($scope, Lightbox) {
  $scope.images = [....];

  $scope.openLightboxModal = function (index) {
    Lightbox.openModal($scope.images, index);

  $scope.myNewFunction = function (image) {
    // Do something with image

And the part of the modified lightbox.html including the button is:

<button type="button" btn-click="myNewFunction(Lightbox.image)" class="btn btn-danger">Do something</button>

But as fas as I understand, it's not possible to pass a controller to the lightbox, is it right? Is there any way to achieve it with the current implementation?

skirjak commented 9 years ago

workaround with decorator

function LightboxController($scope) {
    // own stuff
LightboxController.$inject = ['$scope'];

module.config(['$provide', function ($provide) {
    $provide.decorator('lightboxSrcDirective', function ($delegate) {
        var directive = $delegate[0];
        directive.controller = LightboxController;
        return $delegate;
compact commented 9 years ago

You can also add your own controller to the lightbox itself. In lightbox.html:

<div class="modal-body"


  <button type="button"
      class="btn btn-danger">Do something</button>



And write the controller separately:

angular.module('app').controller('LightboxCtrl', function () {
  $scope.myNewFunction = function (image) {
    // Do something with image

I'll add a real example/demo to the docs.

compact commented 9 years ago

See here:

fernandojsg commented 9 years ago

Perfect! Thank you very much