compact / angular-bootstrap-lightbox

An AngularJS lightbox built using UI Bootstrap Modal.
MIT License
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Use LightBox with two different imageUrl #93

Open GaboDot opened 5 years ago

GaboDot commented 5 years ago

Hi, first congrats for this awesome plugin, it's exactly what I was looking for.

I already configured it like this:

biokiriApp.config(function(LightboxProvider){ LightboxProvider.templateUrl = site_root + 'assets/templates/lightbox.html'; LightboxProvider.getImageUrl = image => { return site_root + 'assets/images/promos/' + image.imagenPromo; }; });

I'm using it in different views (admin module - products, offers, etc) and I don't know how to get it work because the images for each view are in different locations:

location 1: 'assets/images/promos/' location 2: 'assets/images/products/'

So, is there any way to setup different images routes?

Thanks in advance.