compas-dev / compas

Core packages of the COMPAS framework.
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compas imports - work with pylance intellisense #621

Closed yck011522 closed 3 years ago

yck011522 commented 4 years ago

Feature Request

Pylance is a feature rich python language plugin for VSCode. It provide code analysis and intellisense.

The intellisense function works with python default functions and types and almost all other libraries I used (such as numpy). However it does not work with compas.

I suspect this is caused by the 2-layer-deep import routing that compas uses. If I write the full path, or in fact keep the default full path that Pylance automatically creates, the intellisense works, See below where intersection_line_plane is yellow, that one works.

2020-09-23 23_22_21

I think @Achillx has faced similar problem.

Achillx commented 4 years ago

I've posted an issue on Pylance's Github about it. You can check it here, but that is the summary: If you want your package to work correctly with static type checkers, you should either avoid using wildcard imports or replace dynamic all expressions with static expressions like all = ['cat', 'dog'].

yck011522 commented 4 years ago

Arh, that's an interesting reply from them. Perhaps it is modifiable from compas's side.

Pylance is based on Pyright, which is a static type analyzer. It is able to evaluate expressions like __all__ = ['cow'], but it cannot evaluate something as dynamic as __all__ = [name for name in dir() if not name.startswith('``')]._

This of course will increase the maintenance work on compas development. I personally like the goal of this two-level import in compas where I believe is to shield users from internal implementation changes from version to version, I just don't know how much more extra maintenance work there is to be done.

tomvanmele commented 3 years ago

do you know if it can work with *.pyi files to detect the contents of packages and modules?

yck011522 commented 3 years ago

I do not know.

gonzalocasas commented 3 years ago

do you know if it can work with *.pyi files to detect the contents of packages and modules?

I think that would work. We would need to auto-generate them otherwise the effort to keep them up-to-date would be too high.

tomvanmele commented 3 years ago

what seems to yield the correct result is to add a __init__.pyi at every second level package. so for example compas.datastructures.__init__.pyi. this is more or less what numpy does (all of there __all__ variables are also dynamically generated), albeit at the import levels that make sense for them.

Pylance correctly autocompletes if i add this to compas.datastructures.__init__.pyi

from .mesh import BaseMesh
from typing import Any

class Mesh(BaseMesh):
    bounding_box: Any = ...
    bounding_box_xy: Any = ...
    collapse_edge: Any = ...
    connected_components: Any = ...
    cut: Any = ...
    dual: Any = ...
    face_adjacency: Any = ...
    flip_cycles: Any = ...
    is_connected: Any = ...
    smooth_centroid: Any = ...
    smooth_area: Any = ...
    split_edge: Any = ...
    split_face: Any = ...
    transform: Any = ...
    transformed: Any = ...
    unify_cycles: Any = ...
    quads_to_triangles: Any = ...
    def transform_numpy(self, M: Any) -> None: ...
    def to_trimesh(self) -> None: ...
    def to_quadmesh(self) -> None: ...

however, it seems a bit complicated to automate. stubgen generates stubs per package / module and not at the level they have been dynamically pulled up to.

perhaps one could automate collecting the stubs based on the contents of __all__ at the second level but that is a bit tedious and error-prone...

tomvanmele commented 3 years ago

a simpler definition also works

from .mesh import *

class Mesh(BaseMesh):

however, the following doesn't

from .mesh import *
tomvanmele commented 3 years ago

the numpy stuff i was talking about

yck011522 commented 3 years ago

gentle ping.

tomvanmele commented 3 years ago

working on it. will send a pr by the end of next week...

yck011522 commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much. This will be major life saver. 🌈

tomvanmele commented 3 years ago

solved since version 1.2.0

yck011522 commented 3 years ago

@brgcode and all who worked on this. Just wanted to say thank you. Worked perfectly with VScode and pylance now. 👍