compbiocore / VariantVisualization.jl

Julia package powering VIVA, our tool for visualization of genomic variation data. Manual:
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Not open my vcf file? #108

Open Gon1976 opened 2 years ago

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

Hi I am trying to run viva on windows after intall Julia 1.7.2 .

I launch viva in the powershell with: viva -f AMvsJJref.vcf -s pdf -o .

After a julia open and load packages, only 1 second after close thw window. I can see the message using PrintScreen and the only I can see after "Finished leading packages!" is "required option --vcf_file was not provided"

My first lines of vcf file are: V tig00000057_pilon_pilon 165830 165830 1 60 - ttttttttttt tig00000271_pilon_pilon 111839 111850 + V tig00000057_pilon_pilon 165870 165871 1 60 t c tig00000271_pilon_pilon 111890 111891 + V tig00000057_pilon_pilon 165903 165905 1 60 tc - tig00000271_pilon_pilon 111923 111923 +

thanks for you support Gonzalo

gtollefson commented 2 years ago

@Gon1976 Hi Gonzalo,

Lets solve this! It looks like the argument parsing function is throwing an error. Can you send me the compete output you get when running viva -h?

Also, can you try adding the compete filepath to the vcf file in the command?

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

Hi when I run viva -h after select Julia1.7 to run the comand a new windows open but the window closes inmedately. viva problem I can, only make a screen capture. I am launching viva from the directory I have the vcf file. But I try also include all the filepath. I am view two warnings also. Now I make de vcf file using sniffles2.0. Thanks gonzalo

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

I can solve the first warning running powershell as administrator. But still can run viva

gtollefson commented 2 years ago

Hi @Gon1976 ,

Thank you, this is helpful. Are you using 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows?

The second warning (ORCA.jl) should not be affecting the run. We may make changes to replace the deprecated functionality in the future but this shouldn't affect the run currently.

I see that when you ran viva -h, a new windows appears with the script output and closes when the help message is displayed, which is expected. When you ran the other viva commands in your screenshot (like viva -f <your_file.vcf> -o . -m read_depth) did they also open the temporary window and display any message?

Last, have you tried running the full viva commands to produce plots administrator yet so that the Kaledio package is available for plotting? Or did you only run viva -h as administrator? When you run the full viva command to produce plots as administrator, what output do you see? Can you attach the complete text of the output?

Thank you, George

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

Hi George, I am using Windows 64-bit.

When I run viva -f myfile.vcf -s pdf -o . the same happened (the windows open and closes after the help message is displayed). The only I can see is "required option --vcf_file was not provided". I try running the full viva command as administrator. No plots were produced. The complete text of the ouput is the same as I send in the print screen image. Gonzalo

gtollefson commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Gon1976,

Can you try running the same commands using the test VCF file called test_4X_191.vcf which we provide here: and let me know what the output message says?

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

I download the file and the same output message (no output generated)

gtollefson commented 2 years ago

I see. I think what's going on here is that when the command is run, the command is not receiving any of the argument inputs. I think this is the case because, when looking back on your output screenshot, I see that when you ran viva -h, it did not show the expected -h help response but rather it showed that it expected the required VCF input.

I have a few questions about your set up. Are you running on a personal windows computer or shared server? What version of Windows are you using? Are you using PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt to run the Julia executable?

Finally, can you show the output that you receive when you run the following commands to update VariantVisualization.jl:

]add VariantVisualization

Thanks, George

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

I am running in a windows computer (Intel Core i7-7700, 3.6GHz with 32 Gb RAM) with Windows 10 Pro. I am using PowerShell to run Julia. If I run again ]add Variant Visualization, I have this message:

Updating registry at C:\Users\ggreif\.julia\registries\General.toml Resolving package versions... No Changes to C:\Users\ggreif\.julia\environments\v1.7\Project.toml No Changes to C:\Users\ggreif\.julia\environments\v1.7\Manifest.toml

gtollefson commented 2 years ago

Ok, I'll try to think about reasons that the viva script isn't receiving the command line arguments via argparse. This may be a bit out of my wheelhouse, since it seems like a system configuration issue rather than a bug with VIVA, but we'll get to the bottom of it!

Did you add Julia to the PATH using these instructions for Windows 10:

I noticed that when you called julia in Powershell, it did not open the REPL as expected.

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

Hi George I really sorry about the problem. I add Julia to the PATH. Now I can call Julia in powershell and it start Julia prompt. But viva still not work. Gonzalo

gtollefson commented 2 years ago

@Gon1976 No worries!

Do you have access to a system admin or support service team in your institution? I think whats going on here is that the command line arguments aren't being passed to the script for some reason.

Once you have a proper setup, you should be able to execute viva with the viva -h command to see the help output without specifying a -f option. Once the commands are imported into viva properly and you don't get the required --vcf_file argument not provided message, everything should work ok.

We'll figure this out!

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

Hi George I start julia, and under pkg ( ] ) I check the options and I run "test VariantVisualization" and found some errors, maybe related with the problem. I attach the capture of the screen. What do you think? Can add VariantVisualization from source? Gonzal errorVariantVisualization

gtollefson commented 2 years ago

Hi @Gon1976 ,

It looks like a bug may have been introduced when the Julia version was updated that affected the select_columns function within the VariantVisualization.jl package. However this shouldn't be causing the described argument parsing issue as long as the package was installed without errors.

To be sure, can you update VariantVisualization within the pkg prompt and send me a screenshot or paste of the complete output?

pkg> update Example

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

I update Variant Visualization:

(@v1.7) pkg> update VariantVisualization Updating registry at C:\Users\ggreif\.julia\registries\General.toml Installed Parsers ─ v2.2.4 No Changes to C:\Users\ggreif\.julia\environments\v1.7\Project.toml Updating C:\Users\ggreif\.julia\environments\v1.7\Manifest.toml [69de0a69] ↑ Parsers v2.2.3 ⇒ v2.2.4 Precompiling project... 13 dependencies successfully precompiled in 27 seconds (63 already precompiled)

It's look like Parsers was updated. But I try again test VariantVisualization, and the same errors appears.


Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

I send the complete output of : test VariantVisualization Warning: DataFrame(t::Type, nrows::Integer, ncols::Integer) is deprecated, use DataFrame([Vector{t}(undef, nrows) for i = 1:ncols]) instead. │ caller = ip:0x0 └ @ Core :-1 ┌ Warning: names!(df::AbstractDataFrame, vals::Vector{Symbol}; makeunique::Bool = false) is deprecated, use rename!(df, vals, makeunique = makeunique) instead. │ caller = sortcols_by_phenotype_matrix(pheno_matrix_filename::String, trait_to_group_by::String, num_array::Matrix{Int64}, sample_names::Matrix{Symbol}) at vcf_utils_complete.jl:856 └ @ VariantVisualization C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\src\vcf_utils_complete.jl:856 select_columns: Error During Test at C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\test\new_vcf_utils.jl:247 Got exception outside of a @test MethodError: no method matching rename!(::DataFrames.DataFrame, ::Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Zip{Tuple{Vector{String}, Matrix{Symbol}}}, VariantVisualization.var"#44#45"}) Closest candidates are: rename!(::DataFrames.AbstractDataFrame, ::AbstractVector{Symbol}; makeunique) at C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\DataFrames\GtZ1l\src\abstractdataframe\abstractdataframe.jl:169 rename!(::DataFrames.AbstractDataFrame, ::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}; makeunique) at C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\DataFrames\GtZ1l\src\abstractdataframe\abstractdataframe.jl:175 rename!(::DataFrames.AbstractDataFrame, ::AbstractVector{Pair{Symbol, Symbol}}) at C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\DataFrames\GtZ1l\src\abstractdataframe\abstractdataframe.jl:181 ... Stacktrace: [1] select_columns(filename_sample_list::String, num_array::Matrix{Int64}, sample_names::Matrix{Symbol}) @ VariantVisualization C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\src\vcf_utils_complete.jl:890 [2] macro expansion @ C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\test\new_vcf_utils.jl:248 [inlined] [3] macro expansion @ D:\Downloads\julia-1.7.2-win64\julia-1.7.2\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\Test\src\Test.jl:1283 [inlined] [4] macro expansion @ C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\test\new_vcf_utils.jl:248 [inlined] [5] macro expansion @ D:\Downloads\julia-1.7.2-win64\julia-1.7.2\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\Test\src\Test.jl:1283 [inlined] [6] macro expansion @ C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\test\new_vcf_utils.jl:223 [inlined] [7] macro expansion @ D:\Downloads\julia-1.7.2-win64\julia-1.7.2\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\Test\src\Test.jl:1283 [inlined] [8] macro expansion @ C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\test\new_vcf_utils.jl:171 [inlined] [9] macro expansion @ D:\Downloads\julia-1.7.2-win64\julia-1.7.2\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\Test\src\Test.jl:1283 [inlined] [10] macro expansion @ C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\test\new_vcf_utils.jl:158 [inlined] [11] macro expansion @ D:\Downloads\julia-1.7.2-win64\julia-1.7.2\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\Test\src\Test.jl:1283 [inlined] [12] top-level scope @ C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\test\new_vcf_utils.jl:14 [13] include(mod::Module, _path::String) @ Base .\Base.jl:418 [14] include(x::String) @ Main.TestVariantVisualization C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\test\runtests.jl:1 [15] top-level scope @ C:\Users\ggreif.julia\packages\VariantVisualization\1yoNl\test\runtests.jl:23 [16] include(fname::String) @ Base.MainInclude .\client.jl:451 [17] top-level scope @ none:6 [18] eval @ .\boot.jl:373 [inlined] [19] exec_options(opts::Base.JLOptions) @ Base .\client.jl:268 [20] _start() @ Base .\client.jl:495

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

Hi @gtollefson

could you see the test output? Do you see the error? Or any new test I can make to solve the problem? best gonzalo

Gon1976 commented 2 years ago

Hi @gtollefson do you have any help?


priyambial123 commented 1 year ago

I am also facing the same issue. Could you find a solution? Thanks

Gon1976 commented 1 year ago

No, I dont have answer to my last comments. And I stop to try work with the package