compbiocore / VariantVisualization.jl

Julia package powering VIVA, our tool for visualization of genomic variation data. Manual:
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Error while running test.VCF #86

Closed willemdek11 closed 4 years ago

willemdek11 commented 4 years ago


I get the following error with every VCF I try to analyse:

viva -f test_4X_191.vcf -s html -o output/


Selected 1485 variants with no filters applied
┌ Warning: `DataFrame(t::Type, nrows::Integer, ncols::Integer)` is deprecated, use `DataFrame([Vector{t}(undef, nrows) for i = 1:ncols])` instead.
│   caller = ip:0x0
└ @ Core :-1
Saving genotype heatmap
Unexpected end of input
 ...when parsing byte with value '0'
 [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
 [2] _error(::String, ::JSON.Parser.StreamingParserState{Sockets.TCPSocket}) at /home/willem/.julia/packages/JSON/d89fA/src/Parser.jl:150
 [3] byteat(::JSON.Parser.StreamingParserState{Sockets.TCPSocket}) at /home/willem/.julia/packages/JSON/d89fA/src/Parser.jl:59
 [4] chomp_space! at /home/willem/.julia/packages/JSON/d89fA/src/Parser.jl:72 [inlined]
 [5] parse_value(::JSON.Parser.ParserContext{Dict{String,Any},Int64,true,nothing}, ::JSON.Parser.StreamingParserState{Sockets.TCPSocket}) at /home/willem/.julia/packages/JSON/d89fA/src/Parser.jl:160
 [6] #parse#2(::Type, ::Type{Int64}, ::Bool, ::Nothing, ::typeof(JSON.Parser.parse), ::Sockets.TCPSocket) at /home/willem/.julia/packages/JSON/d89fA/src/Parser.jl:494
 [7] macro expansion at /home/willem/.julia/packages/JSON/d89fA/src/Parser.jl:492 [inlined]
 [8] macro expansion at /home/willem/.julia/packages/Blink/AO8uN/src/AtomShell/process.jl:111 [inlined]
 [9] (::Blink.AtomShell.var"#11#12"{Blink.AtomShell.Electron})() at ./task.jl:333

Am I doing something wrong?

gtollefson commented 4 years ago

@willemdek11 What operating system and version of Julia are you using? It looks like it could be an issue with JSON.jl and Electron. What happens when you run build JSON from the package manager in the Julia REPL?

gtollefson commented 4 years ago

@willemdek11 Have you been able to test this? I'd like to help if you haven't gotten VIVA to run yet. Can I close this issue?